He is very an easy prey for ganks. Almost feels like a good teemo mixed with Darius as far as feeling out the lane goes for me. If you get into melee he can always flip you over and get tons of passive shots off with his W while shielding your damage. Hard matchup if the jax is good, I recommend going PTA in this lane and playing for the early game because he is very squishy early, the big things against jax is you don't want to fight him if he gets his passive stacked up on minions first so don't let him do that on minion waves, and the other big thing is his counterstrike blocks your W, so in this matchup I like to E into his counterstrike right when I think he is going to release it, to do this you have to first bait his counterstrike out first with auto attacks which most of them will do, and then just E into him right as it's going off (they can activate it early so you have to judge the timing) and then you can trade with W, overall this matchup isn't too bad unless the jax is really good, you can be very agressive early on in this lane, and you will also outscale jax surprisingly now that spear of shojin is gone. Jayce is pretty hard early game but the longer the game goes the easier this matchup gets, and since Urgot is ranged with a pretty safe kit (having an escape + shield) you should be able to survive, try not to trade with him very much early game and dodge his Q's the best you can. This matchup difficulty really depends on the riven player but I personally love this matchup, I start doran's blade always and play aggressive early, try to bait out rivens shield by auto attacking her and then go in for the E, also if she engages onto you it's very easy to hit your E, rivens are super telegraphed because of their kit.

#9 This matchup becomes a lot better once you're level 9+ you should also win the splitpush and do more in teamfights if you are even or ahead, so keep this in mind. Once you have Black Cleaver you can start to extended fight him more, once you get death's dance as well you should just destroy him. Try to survive early,as you get levels try to make short trades.Even tho you'll lose them your passive will compensate for it.Do it over and over again(not dying,just short trades) and soon he will run out of mana,thats your opening to kill him. Statistically, these counter picks have a Higher Win Rate in patch 10.22. As long as he doesn't snowball early you win mid and late game.

3/ Do no fight him with his cd up. If he steals your ultimate try your best to either dodge it or kill him first, if you guys both ult at the same time, whoever gets the other person low enough first for the pull wins. Anything related to Garen. Fight him when your jungler ganks, using the tip 3/ before. Ward tribush when doing this red side. Posted by 1 year ago. Although this matchup is quite rare some people do pick it as a counterpick, just try to bait out his W before using your W, I like to build Cull and Black cleaver in this matchup since it's mostly a farm lane, you can also try to make tp plays as well as pushing him in and roaming since his waveclear is awful, make sure you don't get taunted into turret when pushing in, overall this is more of a farm lane just don't 1v1 him until you get cleaver and sometimes even deaths dance. Here are the tips I learned and applied : 1/ Rush Ninja Tabi, its damage comes from AA or AA related passive / abilities, 2/ For the same reason, Bramble Vest is a decent choice. for complete stuff, you can refer to my op.gg, I faced him twice recently : http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=arvorezinho. Once he gets sheen, you'll feel those shots. Similar to Vayne and other ranged top laners, this matchup is also very annoying, and lucian is extremely strong early lane, I go doran's shield start in this lane and just try to survive early on, it's almost impossible to hit an E normally because he can just reaction E away very easily when he sees your windup for E, so again you'll have to E-Flash to secure kills in this matchup. Before a gank : Attack him, run back when he burns his abilities and then attack again. One of the harder tanks for Urgot to deal with since his W blocks your W, with that being said as long as you play around shens Q I don't think this matchup is too hard, just don't eat his auto attacks when he has Q active because that's his main source of damage, just turn off your W when he has his W on and you can also try to fling him out of the circle or just fling him to buy time, you can use your E to cancel his R teleport if he ever uses it near you, if you can't get in range then I recommend throwing your ultimate on him so he is slowed upon arrival, you can also match his ultimate with a teleport of your own or just try to trade lots of turret platings, make sure you're pushing when he makes teleport plays, also pushing him in can also make it harder for him to get off those teleport plays because he will have to worry about losing more resources for himself. Guess I'm banning Urgot over Gnar now or just do the ritsu thing and rock the banner mid lane. Yeah it's pretty tough I would maybe suggest taking ninja tabi early then rushing a black cleaver. Overall just be cautious early game and don't eat his Q's and you'll outscale him hard, once you get 9+ this matchup is easy. You must be logged in to comment.

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