As living beings have various levels and characteristics of mind, the methods you reveal to them also have to be of various types. Under the control of karma and disturbing thoughts, the past-life aggregate of consciousness circled to this life. Because none of us could cook, we waited outside for her to come home and give us some food. You can figure this out even from this simple example: When you memorize anything, in the beginning your mind is completely ignorant. This is the absolute guru, the real guru—and we should understand this real meaning of guru. AHMO KASHA THAM MARAYA HUM PE SOHA9. I don't know about in the West, but in the East even adults, when they have some severe pain or problem, rely on their mother. A mantra is a group of syllables, phonemes, or words that, according to certain beliefs, have a psychological or spiritual power. This grasping mind does not allow your everyday activities to become virtue, the cause of happiness. At that time, the mental continuum becomes omniscient mind, fully seeing all the past, present and future without the slightest mistake; all the minds and wishes of living beings; and all the various means to guide them. You have to leave the body again and again, and take another body again and again. It is the nature of the mind that understanding can be developed. In my personal experience, I have seen many instances of people who have prayed to and taken refuge in Tara and been saved from the danger of untimely death from disease without taking medicine. The more knowledge you have, the more you can fulfill the wishes of other people. If you are blind, you cannot guide others to where they want to go. WASHEN KURU SOHA2. The hallucinated view that believes the I to be independent, even though it is a dependent arising, does not allow you to realize the absolute nature of the I. The absolute guru manifests in all these various aspects of buddha; the essence of all buddhas is the absolute guru. This is why you try to be healthy and to have a long life. These are the actual, serious diseases that we have. However, even these subtle obscurations are completely removed when the mind is developed to the ninth and tenth bhumis. Since my sister had to look after the animals, all the hard work was done alone by my mother. This gives you space to establish the root of the path, signified by TARE TUTTARE TURE, in your heart. You receive much good merit, or cause of happiness; it prevents a suffering rebirth in your next life; you receive initiation from millions of buddhas; and you achieve enlightenment. SHANTING KURU SOHA 3. Tara is adorned with jewel ornaments of necklace, bracelets, armlets, anklets, and so on. Why are buddhas called Victorious Ones? The conclusion is that by taking refuge in Tara, doing Tara practices such as recitation of the Tara mantra, and practicing the path contained in that mantra, you can achieve the fully enlightened state with the four kayas, which is the cessation, liberated from the two obscurations. Originally published as a Wisdom Transcript by Wisdom Publications in 1993. There could be no such evolution if we had ceased the continuation of disturbing thoughts. Our mind is obscured by these because they are the continuation of the mental afflictions, or disturbing thoughts, that existed yesterday. The general aim of education is to have an easier life. These eight disturbing thoughts that you have in your mind are the main dangers. Green Tara, from an applique thangkha created by Tibetan artisans at the Norbulingkha Institute. By understanding the teachings and practicing meditation, you can also generate compassion for the other beings for whom you do not feel compassion at the moment. As long as you constantly follow the selfish attitude, you do not have any relaxation, any happiness. And in order to educate others, the teacher himself has to be educated and knowledgeable in all the subjects he teaches. By understanding the cause of happiness, you have the opportunity to obtain whatever happiness you wish. Therefore, in order to accomplish this great work for sentient beings, this ultimate benefit of great liberation, which living beings need and are lacking, you yourself need to have omniscient mind. Her face is very peaceful, with a slight smile. In this way compassion can be developed. After she returned, she could not make a fire because she was sick, with much pain. In the same way, once the disturbing-thought obscurations are completely removed, it is impossible for them to arise again since there is no cause, and it is impossible to experience suffering again. Great liberation means removal of the two obscurations: the obscuration of the gross disturbing thoughts and the obscuration of the subtle mental stains. Rather than these discriminating thoughts, you have a pure attitude of loving kindness, thinking to benefit all sentient beings equaling the extent of infinite space. From the very beginning, while experiencing great bliss, we manifest as the guru-deity. By joining again and again to the body like this, again and again you experience problems. While the I is merely imputed on the aggregates by thought, ignorance grasps the I as independent, existing from its own side. AYUR JANA HRI DRUM SOHA5. You have compassion for some beings now, even though you do not have fully developed compassion, which means compassion towards every living being. My grandmother, who was still alive at that time, lived quite near to us, maybe five or ten minutes' walk away. Using this to obtain even the ultimate happiness of everlasting liberation from all problems and their causes—disturbing thoughts and action-result, or karma—is still not the ultimate purpose of your having this precious human body. The second word, TUTTARE, liberates you from the eight fears. When you achieve dharmakaya, the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and voidness, you have achieved the guru. As I mentioned before, the ultimate purpose of having this precious human body is to liberate all living beings from all obscurations, or mental stains, and lead them to the greatest liberation of full enlightenment, which is everlasting, peerless happiness. Even though this gross body has no continuum into the next life, the aggregate of consciousness does continue to the next life. Certain obscurations are removed when you achieve the third, right-seeing path; and further obscurations are removed when you reach the path of meditation. When the remedy of the path is complete within the mind, there is not even the slightest mental stain. You have achieved the wish expressed in our usual dedication prayer: "Due to all these merits may I quickly achieve the guru-Buddha's enlightenment, and lead every single living being to the guru-Buddha's enlightenment." Why is the happiness of full enlightenment everlasting? In the morning you may be angry with someone, but in the afternoon there is no anger—instead there may be attachment to that person, or indifference. SHANTING KURU SOHA3. For example, a teacher—whether in a school, university or monastery—teaches different subjects to various classes to educate students with knowledge of science, mathematics, engineering, biology, medicine, psychology or whatever. When you recite the mantra, visualize Tara in space in front of you, level with your forehead, at a comfortable distance of about one body-length. And the karma and disturbing thoughts again cause the aggregate of consciousness to circle, or join, to the aggregates of the next life. Following ignorance in this way does not allow the actions of your daily life to become a remedy to samsara, to the cause of suffering and all the resultant problems. The light of this lam-rim teaching has dispelled so much ignorance, even in the minds of many thousands of people living in the West. You can see this body that you have now as a collection of all the sperm and blood that has continued from parent to child for inconceivable generations since this earth evolved, since human beings began. SARWA DHARMA PATE SHODAYA SOHA17. Her right leg is stretched out, and the left one contracted. Just as you want to eliminate all your suffering and to obtain happiness so does every other living being. This is the rough meaning of OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA. And in order for you to lead other beings to this peerless happiness of full enlightenment, they have to follow the path. Like this, somehow, naturally, even grown-ups call their mother when there is some really serious pain or problem. This female aspect, Tara, Mother of all the Victorious Ones guides you and other living beings from the danger of falling into samsara or the lower nirvana, and leads you to the perfect state of enlightenment, which is qualified with the five transcendental wisdoms and the four kayas. Therefore, you need to eliminate their suffering and obtain their happiness. In terms of liberating from disease, the actual disease we have is ignorance not knowing the absolute nature of the I, and all the disturbing thoughts that arise from this ignorance. PUSHTING KURU SOHA4. You achieve this by practicing the true path. It is the same with our previous life: If we had completely removed disturbing thoughts by actualizing the remedy of the path within our mind in our previous life, it would have been impossible for us to be born with these mental afflictions in this life. We waited outside the house. When you recite the mantra, visualize Tara in space in front of you, level with your forehead, at a comfortable distance of about one body-length. Her left hand holds the stem of another utpala flower, with three fingers standing upright to signify refuge in Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. These are very common experiences. NOPA SABA RAKYA PEM SOHA10. The actual meaning of Tara is the transcendental wisdom of non-dual bliss and voidness, which sees the absolute and conventional truth of all existence. On the basis of actualizing the Three Principles of the Path, we receive the four perfect Highest Yoga Tantra initiations, which definitely plant the seeds of the four kayas within our mind. By liberating us from disease, TURE actually liberates us from the true cause, disturbing thoughts, and also the true sufferings. From two teachings given at Kopan Monastery and Himalayan Yogic Institute, Nepal in May 1987. Your practicing the loving, compassionate thought of bodhicitta and morality, which means keeping your vows, please Tara the most. There are eight fears related to external dangers from fire, water, air, earth, and also from such things as thieves and dangerous animals. Now, in order to accomplish this great work for other living beings, you have to develop your own mind by putting effort into listening to, reflecting and meditating on the teachings. Now, in order to achieve this, we have to complete the realizations of the graduated path to enlightenment, or lam-rim. When our obscurations are completely removed, we meet the guru mentally. By taking refuge in Tara, they completed the path and did great works for the teachings and for living beings, leading uncountable numbers in the path to temporal and ultimate happiness. White nectar beams come from the OM, strike your forehead, and enter inside you to purify all the obscurations and negative karmas you have accumulated with the body from beginningless rebirths until now. Having this pure attitude of wishing to avoid harm to others in the very depths of your heart, you then act to benefit them without discrimination.

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