Some people feel a crack when trying to move their shoulder. The greater tubercle is located laterally. Formed slightly less than a sphere, the head of the humerus faces upwards, inwards and backwards, and is covered by hyaline cartilage. It is a true joint of head with the shaft. The head of the humerus is the articular surface of the upper extremity, which is an irregular hemisphere. daniel_vp. THER 150 - Quiz 3. Fractures in any section of the humerus can lead to damage or loss of certain essential functions of the shoulder, the arm and the hand. It starts at the shoulder and runs to the elbow. Since it is connected to the shoulder via a rotational joint, the humerus also supports the arm's various physical functions, such as lifting. humeral head, anatomical neck, surgical neck, lesser tubercle, greater tubercle, bicipital groove, body, deltoid tuberosity. surgical neck. Head: This rounded area of the proximal humerus interacts with your shoulder blade to form your shoulder joint. the upper arm bone is the largest and longest bone of the upper limb. “process” at the distal end. The greater and lesser tubercles are noticeable markers at the proximal end of the humerus and function as connection spots for the four rotator cuff muscles belonging to the glenohumeral joint. Because of its structure and physiology, the humerus is indeed very important in the proper functioning and movement of the entire arm. The anatomical neck is the part between the head and the tuberosities. just below tubercles, neck of the humerus. The anatomical neck is the part between the head and the tuberosities. In approximately the same position, there is a thin vertical roughening for attachment of the coracobrachialis muscle, however on the medial surface of the bone. The inferior facet is for attachment of the teres minor. It is short contraction in the upper end of the shaft beneath the greater as well as lesser tubercles/underneath the epiphyseal line. Fractures of the humerus, particularly the humeral head, can lead to significant complications. It is constriction at the margins of the rounded head. Three large smooth facets mark its superior surface and posterior surface are for muscle tendon attachments: The lesser tubercle is anterior in position and a large smooth impression marks its surface for connection of the subscapularis muscle. The shoulder is a “ball and socket” joint which has a significant range of motion. The humerus is the long bone in the upper arm. The humerus links the elbow to the shoulder blade. Copyright 2016 - 2019 Earth's Lab All Rights Reserved -, Deep Intertubercular Sulcus – Bicipital Groove –Intertubercular Groove. The body or the shaft of the humerus This bone originates from the shoulder blade known as the scapula and ends at the elbow. On its lateral and anterior part lies the capitulum, a small hemisphere which articulates with the head of the radius. Head of humerus. It also provides anchor to three nerves, namely: the axillary, the radial and the ulnar nerves, which are vital in the function of the shoulder, the upper arm, and the forearm. The middle facet is for attachment of the infraspinatus. This area also serves as the insertion point for muscles which make up the shoulder girdle. The head of the humerus is the articular surface of the upper extremity, which is an irregular hemisphere.

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