The cichlids I don't know about. Like Platies, they come in plenty of different variations although can generally be categorized as either short finned or sail finned. When young, puffers live in freshwater, gradually requiring saltier water. we keep some feeder fish in the tank, if they get nippy they just go after the feeder fish. Umbee Cichlids are another beautiful fish that can liven up your aquarium. Put the puffer fish in a separat tank if you really want them, but they do need a lot of space since they are territorial. Pearl Gourami are a really unusual freshwater tropical fish that we think will interest many beginner aquarists. The Oscar is another fish in the Cichlid family that’s known for its generous size and rich colorations. These fish do best when kept in waters with a pH of 7.0-7.6 and temperatures between 74°-78°F.

It has some really beautiful markings but can be aggressive. by smellsfishy1 » Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:14 am, by Hoosier Tank » Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:31 am, by smellsfishy1 » Sat Nov 08, 2008 7:01 pm, by CichlidLover2 » Sun Nov 09, 2008 5:13 pm, Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 28 guests. Also known as the Mexican Salamandar, the Axolotl is critically endangered freshwater amphibian.

The Cichlids will make quick work of a Dwaf Puffer, at only an inch in length... Also, the Puffer will likely take all the fins off of any slow moving fish like your odd small fish (depending on the species). We’ve marked them as intermediate as they are known for being quite territorial — like many of the cichlid varieties — but they are generally quite easy to care for otherwise. they don't know much about fish.

Probably will not thrive in the long run but it's your money to play with. Other water parameters such as water hardness and currents depend on the specific species and their natural habitats. The Figure 8 is a highly popular freshwater puffer fish that we think is slightly easier to care for than the green-spotted puffer fish.

And if so, with what. Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); –, The 26 Best Freshwater Fish For Your Aquarium, Alone or in groups if tank is large enough, no aggressive or ‘nippy’ tankmates – instead large and top dwelling, Read our freshwater puffer fish care guide, Read our complete Flowerhorn Cichlid care guide, The 10 Best Schooling Fish For Your Aquarium, 12 Of The Coolest Different Types Of Goldfish, 9 Best Types Of Cichlids For Your Aquarium. all are fine and happy.

They’re classified as being ‘Near Threatened’ conservation status. >>> Read our complete Discus fish care guide, A post shared by TomsTropicalFish (@toms_tropical_fish) on Jan 12, 2016 at 1:34pm PST. 99% of the time there a species only tank. If its a pea puffer heres the problem, there main food is frozen blood worms , no pellets no flakes no nothing but the odd snail. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Some are harder to take care of than others. Guppies are an incredibly popular breed of colorful freshwater fish, and are found readily in a huge number of fish stores. They’re easy to maintain and adapt well to different aquarium conditions. I purchased a red jewel cichlids and at the store he was full of color but when I got him in my tank he has lost his color, why is this? You can tell a male sword tail immediately by his, well, sword-shaped tail! They’re named for the pearl-like pattern of their bodies, although sometimes go by the name ‘lace gourami’. You can sign in to vote the answer. Slightly different to the small freshwater fish we’ve examined so far, the Kuhli loach looks more like an eel. Usually it'll require around 3 cups of Marine Salt(not rift lake buffer sat) per 5 gallons(if i remember correctly). There are a huge number of Betta variations.

It’s often referred to as one of the biggest freshwater fish as it can reach a massive 16-20 inches in length.

Get your answers by asking now. They thrive best when living in a planted aquarium. Puffers rip bloodworms out of each others mouths (jeeez) if not feed inside there established pecking order. Fouling your tank. As you can see TimmyS, puffers and cichlids are not a good idea if you want everyone to live. I've had three of them, and they were pretty agressive! Pops of shimmering turquoise cover the fish from head to tail, resulting in a beautiful display of color in the right conditions. I want a few, but I have a 55 gallon tank with 3 plecos & about 8 cichlids & a few other odd small fish (I'm sure wouldn't do any harm). They’re super hardy, love swimming and can adapt to a wide range of different water environments. >>> Read our freshwater puffer fish guide. We’ve compiled this super comprehensive guide to the best freshwater fish for varying levels of fish keeper: If you’re new to the world of fish keeping, or you don’t have as much time and money to spend on the hobby, we suggest starting with the beginner fish — these are generally hardier, more sociable and easier to keep alive. It depends on the fish, if he is highly agressive i dont think it would be a good idea because puffers like to nip, cut and scar because they can get teeth however if you get a more soft and delicate puffer i wouldnt see a problem just watch for nipping. they should kept with their own species. They have quite exacting water requirements too. They can be difficult to look after: mostly as you’ll need a huge aquarium, but also because they have some exacting requirements for water quality and their preference for live food. They are known to be very aggressive and predatory as well. The puffer has strong teeth; it can use to tear pieces from other creatures in the same aquarium.

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