Digital Network I is very simple, it has one straight line with a few nodes on it. Don't do that yet, instead, go north to the back of the General Ward and enter the left door. After the scene head on back to Under Kowloon lvl 2. Now back on the 13th there is another chest. After you win simply submit at the PC. After the scene head follow the path to where the Wormmon is but before going near it collect the medal near it. If you still have it you can still use the Digimarket. After which you are back at Hudie go to the PC to submit and take the next case. This is the number of the Digimon as it appears in the Field Guide in the Digivice menu.. Digimon Name - the name of the Digimon's species.. Once in the server head straight in there should be a medal at the end of the path before you reach the warp point. here you can basically use yen to get new digimon. Watch the scenes and then go north and speak to the girls with a quest marker watch the scene. Now if you have just come down to floor 39 you will be in the most upper right box. Submit the case to continue the story. After the scene go to the URL via eden.
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. You have to spend 200 yen for each healed Digimon. 1 (クーロン Lv. After the scene speak to the owner (guy with quest marker) watch the scene after which you will move to a now empty 4th floor now go to the arcade area and speak to both the owner and the girl. After the scene, choose Yes to Connect Jump. However, you can only reply to text that has a blue button next to it. Lastly there are 2 chests in the last two alleys in this room in the wooden buildings near the gate). Head back down the stairs then go west, then north. Either way the next scene plays out the same overall. As for boss/miniboss battles, whenever the drops tab says "Drops" only, it means the drop rate for that battle is 100%. Now collect the chest to the left and head up the stairs to the room on the left. You will be back in the room with 2 warp points take the left one and then take the south east exit. Also there a treasure box on the side in that room. Now go to where the Black Garurumon is to see a scene. This will be the main way to acquire new Digimon. You will obtain the "Zaxon" (ザクソン) keyword. Make sure you say hello to everyone.◆Reward Reward Money 300 Yen CSP Obtained 500 HP Capsule C x 5. There is also a jacket on a door reading "staff only" next to the counter you can use this to change your costume. Once you have collected all chests use Free gate or return home to leave the area. You will be in front of a blue EDEN Access Point. There are 20 ranks total. Matadormon will make constant use of Vampric Cajorie a skill which increases all of your allies' attack and lowers defense and intelligence while inflicting panic. Watch the scene and then Make your way through the maze like disc area you can collect the chests if you want keep using the terminals and route access to create a path where necessary. If you skip some cases, the new ones that are supposed to become available in newer chapters might not appear.
You can only select it, however, if you beat the game at least once and save the clear data. In this gear like room you have to solve a puzzle using copy and paste the file in the center which you can use code scan on is the hint. The BLUE line represents the elevator on the north part of the room and goes to the 30th floor. Now in in the final room use visualizer to reveal any pit falls and then use code scan to check the information near the entrance to the room. After you win a scene will play now i recommend saving if you want to see both versions of the following events. NPCs will attack here. Then follow the path till you reach a point where you can jump down follow that path to a warp point, you will now be back in the first room, follow the path to a chest to the south and then the path north will elt you jump down to the first warp point. The second case with a red colored pin will be Red 02 and so on. This yellow Access Point functions the same way the blue one you saw in Kowloon Lv. Watch the scenes. After that another scene will play and the case will end. The area you are in is the same from the CatchMamemon digimon park case. Use them whenever you get them. The icon has a chat bubble on it and a green background color. Now go to Kowloon lvl 4 go further in to the last room and go up the east most elevator and speak to the woman. If you have the DLC Digimon installed, the female NPC standing right next to the Detective Agency entrance will give them to you, along with some items. Now that you have access to the farm you can start using more than one digimon. It's located near the escalator. When you reach the last room (where you will see Datamon with a quest marker there is also a chest in the south east corner of the room. Now take the elevator to Kowloon lvl 2. This chapter is now finished. Once you take the north exit you will be brought to F2, however you will notice that the floor is identical to another location. You will receive a new case in post game but as for the core main game there are the last ones. Next up the Asakusa Digital shift. You will notice immediately as you start the case that there is a shiny object to the left. you will now be beyond the first trap and can collect a chest.
1 Encounters list to see what Digimon to expect in this dungeon. Walk north a bit to trigger a short scene, DigiLine (デジライン) will be introduced here. She will notify you when a Digimon reaches max level in a farm, or when a farm training/development/investigation activity is over. After watching the scenes, you will need to go the URL via Eden. You can find them beyond north west warp point. After the scene head further into the eater network, there are no medals or items here so just head straight in until a scene plays. Both groups receive the same amount of experience points from battles. 1, then enter the new area. After another scene you will enter a battle against Raremon.
Pick up the chest in this room and go up the stairs at the end of this room. DigiFarm's farm islands will retain their ranks. Once more follow the path to warp point. Messages with blue font are new and have not been read yet. Now watch the next scene and this chapter will end. After that speak to all the people and check the spots with quest markers. Watch the scene and then go to the second room of the Ueno digital shift and a scene followed by a battle will occur.
It will then immediately use Six action, Six boosts, and then attack with a skill. Instead, any DLC Digimon you have not installed will be delisted from the Field Guide (i.e. Also there are now 4 new shop NPCs called Medal Masters (No.1-4), they have shops which will sell you medals. Time to finish the last important case, "Mysterious digital face's treasure".
Now go back to the fork and go north. Speak to her than talk to the other people in the room with quest markers and return to the first girl. Also be sure to complete the Evil hacker quest chain there are 29 in total you need to beat all of them for some medals and the digieggs of destiny and miracles will also drop from one of them. For a list of DigiLine quiz questions and the correct answers for them, visit this section.
You have Ryuji and Chitose as teammates. He still uses immortal king and regeneration skills the same way as before but he now uses some new more annoying skills.
Now sit back and enjoy the ending. Walk further in and watch the scene then you will battle an Eater. Your party is separated into two groups: Battle members (バトルメンバー) and reserve members (リザーブメンバー). DigiFarm (デジファーム): Allows you to train, feed, or assign your farm Digimon on tasks. Now go to the center of the room and interact with the terminal. Also, the Nakano Broadway 1F Shop will begin operations now. Wears off after a few turns. Win the fight and head up the elevator after the scene. Mostly only 1(if there is one you have reached a dead end) or 2(the one you enter from and another) elevators go to a single room with a few exceptions. - short for Field Guide number. Now follow the path to the right and collect the chest and take the right exit. Talk to them and watch the next scene, then there will be a battle, after you win watch the scene and this case will end. Now before going to the 48th floor i.e the roof to finish the case first go south of the elevators for a chest, Then take the furthest elevator in the south to the 39th floor. Enter the north room and examine the monitor on your left. You now have 2 cases. After a quick scene you will enter a battle against birdramon, garurumon and Raptordramon.
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