“Almost all of us grew up eating meat, wearing leather, and going to circuses and zoos. Many of those who are forced to perform never return to their forest homes and endure extreme physical and mental trauma. These helpless animals are dressed in ridiculous clothing and forced to wear masks and perform confusing, senseless “tricks” like riding a bike—all while being yanked, choked, and dragged around by handlers. They are taught to walk on their back legs by having their arms tied behind their back and attaching them to a chain by their necks – that way, if they tried to bend or sit down, they would suffocate. No wild animal willingly performs stupid tricks—they’ve simply learned to fear what will happen if they fail to act on cue. The animals have been known to exhibit vicious behaviour, and have even eaten each other on occasion. Chimpanzees noamally exist on a diet of fruit, leaves, flowers and seeds but are sometimes driven to eating insects, birds, eggs and other monkeys if food is in short supply. Don’t Miss PETA’s Spectacular Virtual 40th Anniversary Party, It’s the PETA Victory Everyone’s Talking About, Including Stephen Colbert, April the Giraffe: The Exploited, Livestreamed Breeding Machine, Shrill Screams and Grisly Scenes—7 Horror Houses Where Animals Suffer, Why PETA Donated Furs to an Animal Sanctuary This Winter. After their search for food proves fruitless the ravenous chimps are forced to look elsewhere for something to eat. This is a repost from Meipai.com for creating awareness about animal abuse on these non human primates. Distressing footage from the attack shows blood pouring down the trees and soaking the leaves as the chimps feast on their prey. Instead, support acts that focus only on spectacular human talent. Pledge never to buy a ticket to a circus or any other event that uses animals. Animal rights advocates—and people in general who have even a sliver of decency—have expressed disgust at the video of a chained monkey seen carrying a bucket and grabbing money from onlookers. Terms for automated texts/calls from PETA: sick, twisted abuse to animals in the entertainment industry, chained by the neck, beaten, and starved in order to compel them to perform tricks. Viewer discretion is advised. Let’s help other suffering animals who’ve been robbed of their dignity, like the subjugated monkeys forced to perform in these spectacles. But her attempts are futile, and within seconds the crazed chimpanzees are in the treetops and have snatched up the little monkey and torn it to pieces. Every year, an estimated 3,000 macaques are stolen from the rainforests of Indonesia. The outfits in question had never expected any repercussions—let alone serious ones! While chimpanzees are known to kill rivals from other tribes, intragroup murders such as this are extremely rare, with just nine cases on record to date. But once they reach sexual maturity, experts warn, monkeys can become aggressive. We never considered the impact of these actions on the animals involved. This is a repost from Meipai.com for creating awareness about animal abuse on these non human primates.Thinking about acquiring a monkey to keep as an adorable pet? PETA has revealed countless instances of sick, twisted abuse to animals in the entertainment industry—but a recent viral video from Bogor of a macaque monkey dressed in a creepy doll head and children's clothing has shown internet users how disturbing and strange these cases can be. These are not my monkeys. Teams of poachers use ­sickening methods to trap them. PETA Asia showed everyone that we can stand victorious in the face of rampant abuse. Thousands of nonhuman primates are hosted as companions in people's homes across the United States—relationships that often end in tears.As babies these big-eyed, furry creatures may seem harmless. The chimpanzee then lock eyes on a monkey at the top of the tree, who is cradling a baby in her arms. This article contains scenes and descriptions of animal abuse. And some primates harbor deadly diseases, like herpes B, that they can pass on to human primates via bites and scratches.Problems With Pet Monkeys - https://www.thesprucepets.com/problems-with-pet-monkeys-1237180This is Why Monkeys Don't Really Make Good Pets - https://animalsake.com/why-monkeys-dont-make-good-pets10 Reasons Monkeys Should Never Be Pets - https://www.primaterescue.org/10-reasons-monkeys-should-never-be-pets/The Perils of Keeping Monkeys as Pets - https://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/09/0916_030916_primatepets.html5 Reasons Why Primates Should Never Be Kept As Pets - http://www.onegreenplanet.org/animalsandnature/why-primates-should-never-be-kept-as-pets/Thinking about acquiring a monkey to keep as an adorable pet?

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