The simple string music from the Omashu story begins to play softly in the background.

They turn and enter the two holes the created to exit the mountain, closing them up with their earthbending powers after they passed through.
Cut to Zuko and Iroh riding away on the ostrich, then cut to a close up of Song looking out from her front door. The third, Sokka, rides lazily in a boat made of an enormous leaf.) (Fade to a shot of the city of Omashu. The show returns to a wide, long shot of Aang and Katara descending a wide staircase leading to the sarcophagi at the center of the crypt.

They approach the dais on which the two coffins rest.) Aang: You guys are nomads That's great! Cut to a wide shot of the kids in the water looking towards the beach from where the sounds are coming from, then cut to a view from somewhere along the path to the beach within the forest. In season two of The Last Airbender, Iroh sings in memory of his son, Lu Ten, who was…. Listen. Sokka: (while grabbing and stomping out the torches she lit) It doesn't work like that if they're all lit at the same time! A rotund fellow behind him wears a white and pink robe, a coolie hat and plays a drum. Chong: (singing) The big bad badger moles who work in the tunnels, hate the wolf bats but love the sounds. (Cut to a long shot of the top of a gulley or small canyon. Katara: (voice-over) But instead she declared the war over. When the pan comes to stop, Aang and Katara stand beside each other, one hand each on the burnt out torch. Song's Mother: You're welcome. Chong: Oh, yeah, and die. Aang: (blushing, slightly flustered) Oh... yeah. Long ago, the Four Nations lived together in harmony.

As they pass the courtyard gate the see a stable where a war ostrich is tethered. The Fire Nation has hurt you. Aang: (surprised) Us, kissing? Katara: This isn't the exit. Then we should be able to solve it like a maze and get through. Iroh: Zuko, remember that plant that I thought might be tea? She turns around to face him once again in a bending stance.) Appa emerges from the tunnel at a gallop, stops, rears up on his hind legs and flops on his back. Moku: (dreamily) On the way there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow. (Counting off the verboten distractions on his hand) No sidetracks, no worms, and definitely no rainbows. (They move forward to a railing, then cut to a long shot of the three at the railing from down inside the tomb near the sarcophagi. [End Credits], Chapter Fourteen: City of Walls and Secrets, Chapter Twenty: The Crossroads of Destiny.

At the end of his enormous fishing pole he has succeeding in spearing what looks like a minnow.

Aang, Sokka, and Katara: (terrified) AAAAAHHHHH!

Zuko: (frustrated) I didn't find anything to eat. Song's Mother: (seating herself) My daughter tells me you're refugees. (She finally look up at him, with a slightly dreamy, slightly hopeful expression on her face. I can't live like this.

Cut to a wide shot of Appa lying down on the beach in front of the river. (All the catapults fire simultaneously. We let huge ferocious beasts lead our way. During this scene, Iroh sets up a small memorial to Lu Ten in Ba Sing Se. (In front of Sokka lies the devastated fortress city of Omashu. Iroh: (graciously) Thank you for the duck. Aang: We can make it. The camera pans down to reveal the moss covered entrance to a large tunnel in the cliff face. His eye looks up as the camera pans up to reveal one of the nameless members of Chong's troupe braiding his hair. “Avatar” available. Sokka: (aggravated) That's it! Off camera Chong begins to strum his guitar. Act II Earth. The camera pans down and to the right to show that the cliffs have been cut by a river that runs at its bottom. She wears the equivalent of a white two piece bathing suit. (Cut to a close up shot of Aang and Katara facing each other, their hands laced together.) Zuko: (quietly, but intensely) I know. Then he turns and tackles Katara to the ground to protect her. Short black hair now covers his head.) Aang: (dejected) What is wrong with me?

We'll be fine. There's no way we're going througbrh some cursed hole! Katara: (excitedly) Let's go! Avatar Lyrics: L-L-L Lets a-go!

Cut to a close up shot of Katara's back, where a soft breeze blows her hair and robes slightly.

(The character fades in turn and is replaced by a scene of the woman, dressed in red, kneeling on his a hill overlooking a panoramic landscape.

(He holds clasps his hands together in a gesture of appeasement) That's a compliment.

Cut to Momo landing in front of Appa. Cut back to a close shot of Katara from the front. (He points at her for additional emphasis) I definitely wouldn't wanna kiss you! Chong: From what? Cut to a shot of a large porch lamp, then to a wide shot of to Zuko sitting cross legged on Song's porch. (A close up of the woman's face is replaced by a shot of her standing atop a mountain, a red sun behind her, as the camera zooms backward. Zuko: (standing and talking quickly) Yes, we're travelers. Momo begins to chitter excitedly, clearly telling Appa the story of what happened after they got separated. Zuko: Sorry, but we need to be moving on. Chong: That is correct, Master Arrowhead.

See, if you move them closer together you protect your center. They stand in her courtyard. Katara: Okay, let's see what you got. The camera pans up to show Aang looking at Katara, smiling, then cut to a shot of Katara faces, her eyes serious, the camera panning slowly rightward. The troupe sings as Sokka leads them on, scowling.) Come on guys, help me out. (She turns away from Aang, who himself turns to face the camera.) Sokka: (firmly) Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara is busy I guess it's up to me. Cut to a wider, side shot of them both. (Chong releases him at such an excellent suggestion.) He is in a forest and is wearing a dark green shirt and trousers. She holds the branch or a red leafed tree in her hand. (Katara drops her bending stance and slumps over at Sokka's statement, then turns to face him with an arched eyebrow as she replies.)

(Aang smiles widely at the end of this statement. Chong: (singing cheerfully) Oh, don't let the cave in get you down. (lovingly) Its leaves make a tea so delicious it's heartbreaking! (Sounds are heard in the darkness ahead. (Zuko looks away as the camera cuts back to the tunnel.) As the camera closes in on a drawing of a mountain, the screen flashes white. Katara: (offended) Oh, well I didn't realize it was such a horrible option. He releases the ostrich and begins to lead it away with them.) They became the first earthbenders. They must only light up in the dark! There's an old story about a secret pass... (ominously) ...right through the mountains. Cut to a shot from behind the door, as cracks of light show around the frame of the door as it opens. Chong: We don't need a map.

The badger mole in front of Sokka bends earth around the water tribe boy, pinning him down and separating him from the others. This song has two different versions, one released in December 2019 and the other in March 2020. Version 2 music video

Sokka: This doesn't make any sense; we already came through this way. Zuko: (more calmly) Uncle... what are you doing? This fades and is replaced by a shot of another painting from the side of the dais. Sokka himself approaches from the left side of the screen.) The kids enter from the left, covered in ash and looking depressed.)

All the men were taken away. Behind them another explosion of rock reveals another badger mole. The others pass him.)

Cut back to Aang, who dodges Katara's icicles and then uses one of his water tentacles to lash at Katara who is off screen to the left.

Aang: (trying desperately to recover) No, no, I mean... if there was a choice between kissing you and dying... 'Cause I've had an idea for, like, an hour now.

(cut to him half out of his tank) Haven't you heard the song? (Iroh's puffy, clay smeared face enters from the right side of the frame to a humorous sound effect.)

Cut back to the wider shot of Aang, Katara and Chong. (Cut to a close up of Appa's left eye. Song exits the house, walks over and sits beside him.)

Moku and the others turn and see the smoke.) This song is also a tribute to Mako Iwamatsu, the voice actor for Iroh, who died having nearly completed recording his lines for season two. Chong: (pleased) Aren't we all, brother?

A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. (Sokka freezes for a moment as this statement sinks in. Cut to a wider shot of Iroh squatting in front of the plant, mesmerized. Iroh: (patting his stomach) Much practice. Iroh: (appalled) What are you doing? Cut to Sokka and the others on the opposite side of the cave in. The Avatar has returned! Aang: We found the exit!

mako sang this song when he found out he was dying from cancer. Aang: They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler. Sokka tries to burn it with the torch, but fails.

Earth. Chong takes his flower necklace and places it aroun Itd Sokka's neck.) (A low rumble through the tunnel startles everyone into looking up, then cut to a night shot of the exterior of Song and her mother's house. (Cut to a close up of Zuko's eyes as Song finishes and during his reply he lowers his gaze.) Fade to white.) Sokka: How did you guys get out? Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Song is applying a clay like substance to the rash.

Anyone who tried to follow them would be lost forever in the labyrinth. But when the world needed him most, he vanished. AVATAR lyrics - 79 song lyrics from 7 albums, including "Avatar Country" (2018). Lily: And we have five torches so that's... (she takes the other four torches she is holding a strikes then on the ground like matches, lighting them instantly) ten hours. Appa rolls back to his feet as a rumbling is hears. We're enemies of the Earth Kingdom, and fugitives from the Fire Nation. Chong, how long do those torches last? On it stands the man in blue, gazing longingly at the woman in red. Appa groans. Your plans have led us to another dead end! Sokka: (sullenly, but also blushing) Just play your songs. Cut a long shot of a Fire Nation tank rapidly approaching the camera, then cut to another overhead shot from the cavern entrance. Aang approaches and is visible over her shoulder.) Song's mother approaches the table with a plate of roast duck.) Iroh: (calmly while scratching) When the rash spreads to my throat, I will stop breathing. Sokka's eye steal over to the singer before the shot cuts a wide shot of Aang addressing the rest of Chong's troupe.) ], Act I Around his eyebrow lie several braided locks of his fur which are adorned with many small, pink flowers. Browse 96 lyrics and 32 Avatar albums.

That's who's buried here. Iroh: (still contemplating and stroking his chin) Delectable tea? These are bacui berries, known to cure the poison of the white jade plant. Chong: You're not?

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