This would allow a researcher to go from sample to sequence data in less than a week. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. For point of comparison with our newly developed methods, we attempted to generate RT-PCR amplicons for HIV clone and clinical samples A and B and sequence them by 454 using previously described methods (10). Morin et al. PRS clone GAS attack - Any good ones out there? For the HIV clinical samples, the percent of HIV aligning reads was significantly lower (0.4–7.1%) while the majority of the reads (30–65%) aligned to host (Table 1 and Supplementary Table S2). I cleaned the frets and put on new strings. I'd taken a multiple year hiatus and moved to another city for work. Equipboard breaks down the gear, tools, and products used by artists, pros, and influencers in their craft. Reads were aligned to the CDS of the relevant viral reference using Mosaik. has demonstrated success of capturing hepatitis C virus (HCV) total RNA sequencing from clinical samples (23), but this method required 200 ng of input RNA which exceeds the amount typically present in most clinical samples. Jagged edges along the fret board tear at teh thumb as you move up and down the fret board and need serious polishing to get rid of the scratchieness against the strings. << < (3/15) > >> Mr Ed: Not exactly PRS-clones... but the Eastwood Ultra GP (replica of the old Ovation GP) is a $%&#ing hella sexy double cutaway... jt: :D Have you thought of a JJ ? In this study, we used a sequence-independent amplification method, coupled with Illumina sequencing to generate full genome assemblies for HIV, RSV and WNV samples with as little as 100 viral RNA genomes. Primer sequences were not trimmed since soft-clipping is tolerated by Mosaik. Shearing conditions were as follows: time = 180 seconds, duty cycle = 10, intensity = 5; cycles per burst = 100, mode = frequency sweeping. RNA viruses can have a large number of functional RNA secondary structures (42,43) which can result in stalling of cDNA synthesis (44). Technical replicates were performed for HIV NL4-3 clone, HIV clinical samples and WNV clone dilutions samples. The script then calculated the composition identity (i.e. Thank you for submitting a comment on this article. In this study, we evaluated the use of a sequence-independent RNA amplification method, NuGEN’s Ovation RNA-Seq system, for capturing complete target regions of viral genomes from low-copy HIV, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and WNV samples. In the mid 90's a popular heavy metal band started using the GP and this has brought some renewed interest to this rare guitar and has also driven up prices.
In addition, the number of RSV copies in each sample was also quantified by qRT-PCR performed on the ABI 7900HT using forward primer (CATCCAGCAAATACACCATCCA), reverse primer (TTCTGCACATCATAATTAGGAGTATCAA), probe (FAM-CGGAGCACAGGAGAT-TAMRA) and the SuperScript III Platinum One-Step qRT-PCR Kit (Life Technologies) per manufacturer’s protocol and previously described methods (33). I have a solid body electric Ovation guitar which I'd like to track down the history of.
Recent studies have used both 454 (1–11) (Newman et al., manuscript submitted) and Illumina (12–14) sequencing of RT-PCR amplicons for RNA viruses. To date these methods have difficulty with sequencing complete genomes from clinical samples due to high levels of host contamination and low viral amounts.
Their method worked well for detecting low amounts of virus but was limited to input amounts of 30,000 copies of viral RNA per sample. We sequenced the RSV indexed libraries in a pool of two samples on a MiSeq (Illumina; 101 base paired-end reads).
The tops got some of the best color finishes that Ovation ever put out on solidbodies - gloss black, sunburst, wine red and honeyburst (pictured below).
This was Ovations third foray into the solidbody market. Perhaps I am biased (because I have an Ultra GP) as I have never really been into the look, feel and (now common) tone of a Gibson. My job has me moving frequently so I wanted a guitar that I could use but not be upset if something happened to it.
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