Tyler played very high-pressure style of jungle, focusing more on getting off ganks, invading, and fighting around objectives as opposed to sequencing camps, pathing, and tracking the enemy jungler. According to Tyler1’s OP.gg profile (which is under the username ‘BUZZLIGHTYEAR99’) he is now officially Challenger rank having played a total of 1,811 games this season, with 947 of them resulting in a victory. Language. He can play selflessly when he needs to, he controls his mental to avoid tilt (shocking, I know), and even Tarzaned admitted that Tyler1 reads the map better than he does. At the start of the latest ranked season of League of Legends, Twitch star Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp set himself a mammoth task: switch roles to jungle and grind all the way to Challenger. League of Legends. It’s hard to dispute Tyler’s claim that jungle is the easiest of all … Twitch build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate .

Language. Yesterday’s stream saw a peak of 28,000 people pile in to watch that symbolic moment of Tyler1 getting promoted up to Challenger rank, according to Twitch Tracker. Not bad for a former one-trick Draven main, eh? Total. When you look at that champion pool, you can tell that those are not the most mechanically-intensive champs. That’s quite surprising, given that Tyler is famous for playing one of the most mechanically-demanding champions in the game, Draven. However, the inclusion of Karthus in his top three most-played champions is interesting, since Karthus is a completely different style of jungler (he likes to hard farm and scale up). The only problem is that, in a game like League of Legends where players are constantly told to not trust their teammates, this style of play can be quite frustrating when it fails. If you compare Tyler1’s OP.GG to other Challenger junglers, you’ll notice he tends to have less gold and CS per game than other junglers who prioritize farming and pathing. The Loadout is now his home, but his words can be found on Esports News UK, GiveMeSport, Red Bull, and more. To stay up to date with the latest guides, news, and reviews, follow The Loadout on Twitter and Steam News Hub.

Instead, he would prioritize moving to objectives, fights, or ganks.

Tyler1 has accomplished something that most people did not believe he could do when he started out and truly proved that he is one of the best players in North American League of Legends. While Olaf has been his most used champion having been picked over 400 times, Tyler1 has been most recently maining Ivern in the latter stages of his Challenger push, boasting a decent win percentage of 54% and a KDA of 4.93. Language. In this way, he puts a lot more of the trust in his teammates to use the advantages he gives them, rather than accelerating his own leads. Olaf basically wants to run at people and hit them with axes, Ivern is a shield bot with one skillshot, and Karthus has a passive that basically allows you to die and still be useful. Karthus build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . They doubted him, but he has done it. Photo Courtesy of Riot Games. Nidalee build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Language.

Yet somehow he was able to climb out of jungle without needing to rely on his superior ADC mechanics to do so. And while early efforts to get to grips with life as a jungler may have not gone so well (RIP this headset) Tyler1 has since taken this challenge very seriously. Congrats to Tyler1! However, we need to put some context into how he climbed.

It’s doing what junglers are supposed to do, putting the early game burden on themselves to accelerate laners and putting the trust in those laners to carry later on. By contrast, those more mechanically-demanding junglers, like Lee Sin, Kindred, and Elise weren’t as successful for Tyler.


Powered by Minute Media © 2020 All Rights Reserved. Jamie Hore League of Legends. While fans haven’t been able to watch Tyler1 on his own official channel, the SpectateTyler1 Twitch channel has been plugging the gap, showing the live footage of his ranked matches.

Having been on a lengthy hiatus from both social media and streaming (he was last live on Twitch on April 14), Tyler1’s focus appears to have been solely on battling his way to Challenger. This goes to show that your playstyle does not have to be so one-dimensional (he was not nearly as good on other early game champions like Lee Sin and Elise) but you need to find champions you’re comfortable playing. There’s nothing wrong with finding your comfort champions and playing to your own style, but we have to acknowledge that his three most-played junglers are fairly unique compared to most high-elo junglers. Build your custom FanSided Daily email newsletter with news and analysis on League of Legends and all your favorite sports teams, TV shows, and more. While this will no doubt please laners who have been screaming “jungle diff,” now having evidence that all junglers need to do to climb is camp for lanes and ignore their own farm, it also puts a burden on junglers to properly synergize with their laners to make sure those leads get put to good use. Zac build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Real-time LoL Stats!

He knows where to be on the map, which lanes are gankable, when to prioritize an objective, and how to play around his fed carries.

Senior Staff Writer. Tyler1 basically ran four champions constantly to climb in this process: Olaf (his most played, which he ended with a 57% win rate), Ivern (his second-most played and his highest KDA champion at 54% win rate), Karthus (55% win rate), and Draven (his comfort champion when off-role, 60% win rate). The lesson here is that you should look to find the style of jungler that suits you. Although it hasn’t been confirmed by the streamer, this could now pave the way for Tyler1 to return to Twitch after his absence. Check your Summoner, Live Spectate and using powerful global League of Legends Statistics! Language. But did Tyler1 show junglers the key to improving themselves and reveal some other truths about the jungle role?


A console gamer frequently belittled by the PC 'master race', Jamie is an avid Call of Duty and FIFA fan. OP.GG isn’t endorsed by Riot Games and doesn’t reflect the views or opinions of Riot Games or anyone officially involved in producing or managing While he may always be marred by his past, this feat is just another reminder to the level of talent he has.

While he certainly did all of those things (and quite well), it was very rare that you would see him do full clears. Language. This is because, as alluded to above, Tyler has incredible game sense and map awareness.

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So, in conclusion, yes, jungle is the easiest role if you can snowball laners who will use that lead effectively. Tyler was obviously much more early game focused, which is why Ivern and Olaf were his two most played champions.

League of Legends and Riot Games are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riot Games, Inc. League of Legends © Riot Games, Inc. S2020 Language.

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Language. Tyler1 completes his League of Legends mission to reach Challenger as a jungler At the start of the latest ranked season of League of Legends, Twitch star Tyler ‘Tyler1’ Steinkamp set himself a mammoth task: switch roles to jungle and grind all the way to Challenger. Here are three lessons we can learn from Tyler1’s climb to Challenger. BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 / Platinum 1 75LP / 1150W 1102L Win Ratio 51% / Ivern - 278W 253L Win Ratio 52%, Olaf - 289W 230L Win Ratio 56%, Karthus - 144W 121L Win Ratio 54%, Jarvan IV - 84W 85L Win Ratio 50%, Lee Sin - 80W 78L Win Ratio 51% It’s hard to dispute Tyler’s claim that jungle is the easiest of all roles when he reached Challenger in just a few months of playing the role. © 2012-2020 Olaf has to win the early game as one of the best skirmishers in the game, and Ivern’s unique kit basically forces him to constantly gank for his teammates. A long-time ADC main, Tyler1 set off on his journey at the start of Season 10, in order to prove his belief that “jungle is the easiest role in the game.”.

One of the most popular League of Legends streamers, Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp has reached Challenger playing only jungle in around 1300 games, with a 52% win rate.

While he had a ton of games on champions like Lee Sin, Jarvan, and Kindred, he wasn’t able to find the same consistent success (52% win rate max) compared to his comfort champions. Your privacy is safe with us. Prior to his final stream on April 14, he was seeing audiences of anywhere between 20,000 and 40,000 tuning in every day. Language. We'll never pass along your email address to spammers, scammers, or the like. Vi build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate .

Kindred build guides - op.gg provides builds, counters, guides, masteries, runes, skill orders, combos, pro builds and statistics by top, jungle, mid, adc, support in s10, s9 - including Win Rate, Pick Rate, Ban Rate, Play Rate . Your favorite teams, topics, and players all on your favorite mobile devices. Jungle is the Easiest Role…Kind of. Language. OP.GG. Lockdown magic – how to introduce your household to Magic: The Gathering. Now, having reached a level in just a few months of playing jungle, Tyler1 appears to have proven himself correct as he has rocketed past many junglers stuck in Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster for years.

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