I’m guessing that ‘attaches’ Nic to that exhibit/habitat. Not mention at all, so… out of the window again.

Promise. Maybe…but he has a human face that appears to be real flesh with wires pumping into it. I do feel badly that the conversation threads have gotten too big for me to be involved like I used to be. You can join in on that conversation here. The old lady and the truck driver seem to be programmed, but then appear to go crazy. Question #5 – Why were the people that Jonah and Nic encounter so completely mentally scrambled? She was much more docile? A Human using robotic claw to win prize which is an alien. And Nic obviously thinks so too seeing as though he found the whole situation pretty laughable. Crossing the stream would risk his life. I am sure if we invent some bionic limbs we would probably put them on rats too. The cow and feces room is also pretty unclear. Why haven’t they installed tech into Haley’s body? Those who they believe show “potential”…are given physical modifications. I especially enjoy reading other people’s theories. For example, this one, I wouldn’t even know where to begin to jump back in! we see at the end him smashing hell out of everything and everyone, i know he gets shot but he fights on through it i do think this wasnt “a dream” the whole alien side of the film, i feel it happened. 3. The standard audio cassette was invented in 1962 by the Philips company. Maybe I’ll post a post about the state of the Union in the world of comments around here, and wax eloquent. But don’t denigrate others while doing it, or you’ll find that your comments just start poofing into nothingness. “hrmmm, what does this thing do?”, I’ll have to go search for the blood cleanup scene.

Oh, and PS, where’d that sequel go?!? Taylor, I’m just curious why you deleted my post? I do think all of that is a hint as to how long the US government (sorry I have no reason from the movie to believe other governments were participating, especially since it’s strongly suggested that this started with Roswell) has been doing this. They seemed like a robotic AI. Either that or this was a case of Aliens experimenting on humans. Doesn’t make any sense, just like the Arabic numerals on the station. I probably liked it a little more than 3 stars, but that's only because I find Olivia Cooke's take on the characters she portrays endlessly fascinating (check her out in the film Thoroughbreds). The represent everyday consumers, they represent consumers of junk food and junk TV, of junk news and junk people consuming junk people. All the best! Please Review Description. I’m still thinking about the mixing of biology with machines angle and the experiments though.

And from a distance, the two were very difficult to reconcile. So happy you do your blog.

The Earth numbers at the end are a huge mystery.
Bah. Eubank, who is also a cinematographer, clearly had a blast concocting this movie’s shifting, unpredictable but quite internally consistent design, which makes the plot’s multiple convolutions extremely effective. It simultaneously ends the story but opens up a ton of new questions. But I really loved the aesthetic here.

– So, with this questions in mind, with NOTHING TO LOOSE, beaten by the world he lives in (illnes of his legs represents any deep deep hardships), he sets out to FIND THE ANSWERS for this questions. We had one of the first VCR’s back in the day and it cost about 1500 dollars. They are waaaaay off in their minds. I have just watched The Signal and have noticed something no one mentioned before. So – stop. Her move to LA is not described but it’s obvious it was a decision driven by intellect not emotion.

Dialogued. They didn’t ‘go’ to space, they were already there, just like everyone else on the planet has been forever.

Nomad says, he can’t protect him if he goes “up”…topside. I also love that it has invoked so many comments. Excellent cow-based knowledge, very good practical examples, and combined theory and practice in the barn workshops.

Life changing tough.) Bottom?

Nomad needed to recruit him thus enabled him both physically and mentally to jump through time and space to arrive in that place wher he broke off… u should remember that nomad neva stepped into where nic arrived and if the movie has any comforting tale at all for what Nic went through should be that he jumped through time and space and arrived in an advanced place wher people are as smart as him thus loosing his legs would neva matter becos to be quite honest cutting up his legs witout his consent was quite cruel but if he jumped tru time and space, to where smart machines or humans stationed collecting galactic info then Nic will fill just fine, Yea I was definitely lost about a couple things, the cows, the part where she gave him the necklace at the end when she had clearly thrown it in the canyon and also where at the end you see they’re on a spaceship, but what portal does Nic open up & stare at(what does that symbolize?). So this movie is iffy in that it punches outside of the given plot line and gives us an alien answer that seems a stretch. The horn towards the end, was that the ship signalling it was docking ????……. Maybe the light is showering him, dunno. Lol. In the Abduction scene what figure fly's through the air like a rag doll? The goldfish is placed back into the water after James is shot. As advanced as the aliens are there’s still a place for human emotion. the first was the aquarium, the 2nd was when haley and nick were at that rest stop or whatever and shes looking at the diagrams of the fish on the wall, and the 3rd was when damon puts the fish back into the bowl. In one scene we can see this little note: last updated 1947-03-22 its on the pc while they track “nomad” 1947 is connected to the alien thing about are 51 ( ?!) I personally thought that the ending was expected and the only natural solution to what we had witnessed. The ” planet” itself is a colony, an incubation area for the advancement of interterrestial intellect , and a training ground. Give him a REASON to escape. But I didn’t see the twist that the facility was an alien ship and Damon was an alien. So do I have to think that is all a Nic’s trip inside his mind? The phone in the Bar didn’t have a signal… Why Jonah have new arms? In the future we become more robotic than human. A few events occur that force a movie reboot, if you will, and the setting shifts to an underground bunker. But is doesn’t look random it looks structured and yes is might be the main aliens own language, but the comparing the left and right they are different and also “drawn” with different thicknesses, if it were the main aliens own, it doesn’t make sense why they would use two different thicknesses on their letters (again the funny thing about scifi, make sense from whos perspective :D maybe it’s normal to aliens, but considering it was drawn by IRL humans ;-) after all, my logic follows, different fonts, different languages). I just saw The Signal today and greatly enjoyed your article and the comments. I don’t think it’s very important but I only saw it once and I remember that. it’s open, but soon it will become closed. or is Nomad an ALIEN with human disguise? She is sitting looking in to the Rio Grande Gorge and the gorge bridge is visible in the back ground. In any event, Eubank’s talent is not at all in doubt, and science-fiction mavens who embrace this picture will rightly be excited for whatever he turns to next. But there are so many questions. When the curtain rises on The Signal we are introduced to Nic and Haley, a couple who until recently, attended MIT together. Here are my questions. What’s there to get? But the ending was unexpected only because it didn't really connect to the bulk of the story that preceded it.

NIC IS JUST DOING WHAT NEO DID. As for the extra people that are there without enhancements, the old lady and the dude that get shot.

(or whatever) sent the robots out to search the galaxies for life and study them? Nick believes in the bible and jesus and he has been called a conspiracy buff. I guessed a alien planet but i guess it was more a alien space ship. The whole movie is about hackers and computers it’s also the twist that seems to have flown over everyone’s head.
OK Author…It’s all an illusion woooo. I think they had a subject that may kill the cow and after they feed the remains to previous test subjects, also it correlates with the actual record of aliens mutilating cows. They named it the “Compact Cassette”. Have you ever wondered WHY? Occasionally Damon (Fishburne) would arrive and interview Nic and have him do fairly inane scientific experiments. Think i wrote down all that popped into my head and this was my theory on things, thanks :D oh and sorry for the occasional faulty english, not my main. Thoughts (geek guy), emotions (Haily) and action (Nick). Nice article, but I want to put it out there, that I thought the unrelated movie with the same name, The Signal, from 2007, is not terrible. The Signal is a 2014 American science fiction thriller film directed by William Eubank, and written by William and Carlyle Eubank and David Frigerio.The film stars Brenton Thwaites and Laurence Fishburne.It premiered at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, and was theatrically released in the United States on June 13, 2014. So what could it possibly mean? Jonah is given several chances to constructively use his hands – in each case his anger at being the unwilling participant in what he thins are govt experiments imposes a mental block preventing him from creating the neural links to precisely use the fingers of the hands. Well, I am, hence, this interpretation. This could be our own future as we integrate with our technology. That’s exactly the outcome hoped for. Why wouldn’t he have a human will if he had been a human before? Maybe they were trying to understand human emotion and what it is capable of. Anyone noticed that the header image is incorrect? (that comes later xd ) Thing is, after his THOUGHTS sacrificed so he could go on with his journey (the glasses guy, way more geeky than him), after he finally reconciliates with his heart, he – takes – action. (Any press is good press, even bad press).

Oh god. Here is nick with his new super legs and he understands he is now with an alien or aliens and is looking at what appears to be an android with a slight smile looking at him apparently now part human and alien. Why did NOMAD have to kill them? I mean, TAPE CASSETTES? However, Jonah has his hands and forearms replaced which cause him frustration, as in the scene when he’s trying to work the laptop to lower the concrete stops. Do you think there is something to be said about using the nomenclature “extraterrestrial. Here the (or we) humans have ever since tested this alien technology. This movie is fascinating, and though I’ve just seen it, I really enjoyed finding your page with the interesting discussions on its true meaning.

You heard earlier in the movie, when NOMAD goes and shoots the man in the chair….you survived this long on sheer will. She will show you 5 success factors: control, resistence, low infection pressure, milking and treatment. The rush I get from plot twists is why I seek out shit like this. The movie is disorienting throughout. Dumber people didn't accept the fact and went crazy or pretended like the world they live is real although they were given clear signs it is not, so they abducted smarter people and watched their reaction. we finally get a look at what we knew was there all along.

5: Subject B gets shot (red truck scene) so lab rats, are just lab rats. I am the real cross country runner. This dire circumstance leads him to wonder, WHY THE FUCK AM I EVEN ALIVE IF I CAN’T EVEN DO WHAT I AM? In the arc of his story, he overcomes all and breaks the literal barrier of false reality- yet I do not think aliens/ robots/ evil humans care at all about this journey of his, it is incidental. They used the technology to build that space station.

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