The Proud Rose Short Story, Most cities had tents from churches in the area. I have suffered through this year, I could barely finish. Your email address will not be published. Elections 2020. "[3] BSF began in 1959. I will stand on the Word of God alone which is my two-edged sword against all false teachings. Sin was glorified so much in our lectures. Last year a friend of mine invited me to attend BSF, however, it bothered me that the meetings were being held in a large local church who does not have a good reputation for sound doctrine so I declined. Do not be deceived; neither fornicators (those not pure in all relationships. While they still preach truth, I suspect the Emergent church influences are creeping in. However, after reading this letter by the former BSF leader exposing the subtle shifting away from Jesus Christ, I am making the decision to leave this “new and improved” BSF. Interesting, and disturbing. I have been in BSF since 1996, with 12 years in leadership. That was the straw for me! How Should We Then Live Sparknotes, At present, they beat BSF by a mile. The biblical gospel is a stumbling block and an offense to the lost. I currently am in BSF. When I was young we use to go to “Home Days”. No one can snatch you out of His hand.” I thought the”not” was a typo on my sheet. Some false teachings are short-lived. We have continued this last 5 years with a great teaching leader and more than 70 women registered and still going strong. When I learned about the changes in BSF from several women, I knew it was only a matter of time until I would be faced with leaving also. Here are some examples of terms used profusely by the speaker, Dr. Kevin Mannoia (previous President of the NAE): “Kingdom connectedness”, “apostolic movement”, “community”, Kingdom culture”, “transforming environment”, “the river”, “think collectively that we are a river” (new age term is “collective consciousiness”), “nature of the Kingdom as community”, “great Kingdom community” “Kingdom is like a river”, “we are like that river of God”. If you would like to help financially with this situation, there ... [Read more...] We were constantly being “reminded” “how much we love to sin”….but thank God that Jesus will “cover us”. Thank you for your discernment, Teresa, regarding the Bible Project which is full of heresy, the doctrines of demons. Faculty members of the China Bible Seminary experienced BSF and requested the material needed to start classes in Hong Kong. I always pray for friends and leaders in bsf. I can no longer be a part of something that is now clearly working against the pursuit of Truth. Every week we focus on glorifying God and what Jesus is for our salvation and how to bring that to others! For that matter it never refers to it as family. Lighthouse Trails noted in 2010 that BSF’s current executive director Susie Rowan is a proponent of contemplative prayer (and we knew this would eventually lead to an emergent, social-justice “gospel.”) Linda, the BSF leader who wrote the letter below confirms this. This is contemplative prayer. As a foundational mindset kick-start to the study, eBook A Faithful Legacy, co-authored by Stephen R. Graves and Susan C. Rowan, was sent to Bible Study Fellowship class … The text in the same section says that Jesus calls anyone who would advocate a different way a thief and a robber. I love BSF and my faith has grown so much deeper. I absolute agree with your comments. Sacrificing a the real issues at had for a small good-but-not-the-point point. I am grateful for the work you do at Lighthouse and will continue to post your articles on my facebook. Already BSF is but a shadow of its former self; it bears the same name and a familiarity of format, but the heart of the ministry to equip the church as a “training center” has been removed. The NT never refers to it as a community. This fall, Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) will launch a new study, People of the Promised Land. Blue Brindle Pitbull, H2o X5 Steam Mop Accessories, Also satellite groups pops up anywhere and everywhere people have heart to start one. Like someone said earlier if I want to talk about feelings I would see a therapist. A short time later, when I spoke on the phone with Bob Duggins (who was coordinating the group on behalf of Susie Rowan, the Executive Director of BSF) and found out the purpose of this Global Advisory Council, I was far more surprised than I should have been. Only the church can unashamedly claim the title, the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus. I have been in BSF for 6 years three of which I have been a leader. I didn’t find these “so-called” Christians very Christian-like at all. Word of Faith We are to test and judge: “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test (which includes judging) the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) The book of Jude warns believers not to allow licentiousness (removal of God’s holy laws for innocent and pure living) into the church. *Distortion of 1 Corinthians 3 — Chapter 1 mishandles this text with a man-centric application about godly leadership, ignoring Paul’s clear teaching that GOD is the point, not he who sows/waters. Thank you. In notes last year several times it talked about God being in control of everything, which is heretical. Unfortunately, on page 4, it is a man he wants to magnify when he refers to the Apostle Paul as a “super-leader.” Would Paul agree? Snub Nose Pressure Washer Gun, I was looking forward to a different more conservative group this fall not realizing this “movement” was coming from the leadership – I did not know BSFI was so heavily immersed into politics etc. It is unique. Dr. Brian Fisher. And isn’t that what it’s all about? There was so much biblical truth taught in this study that was not said here…” Christ, the Word is the source of all life- physical, moral, intellectual and eternal” “ The Gospel proclaims that knowing the full scope or our sinfulness, God sent His Son to save and transform us”, “ Whoever trusts in Jesus and commits wholly to Him has crossed over from death to life” “ Jesus is God’s Lamb who takes away the sins of the world” “ To participate by faith in the death and life of Jesus Christ is the only was one may receive eternal life”. And more is stated in these verses regarding judging others so we do not associate with them or allow them in the church. How do they go about it. Tropical Astrology Chart Calculator, I used to be a Jehovah’s Witness and when I was told I should not talk about my “old” religion, I HAD no idea it was coming to this day. [4][5] It emphasizes salvation by grace through faith (Eph 2:8) while encouraging a holy (sanctified) lifestyle. Consider Ephesians 5:11 which teaches we are to expose the unfruitful works of darkness and we are to have no fellowship with such. I always felt like they were shoving Calvinism down our throats and when it came to matters of eschatology. Oct 23, 2020. Yoga. I longed for a biblical study that would help me be more structured and serious about my walk with Jesus. BRYCE HOMES FOR WIDOWS & CHILDREN INTERNATIONAL, Remember That We Are Pilgrims . 15 7 We were actually attending church, but we weren’t believers. This week, long-time Bible Study Fellowship International (BSF) leader Linda Davis is warning members signed up for this fall’s new study, People of the Promised Land. The focus of the organization is entirely self-preservation which is so…corporate. You haven’t done your homework on Presbyterian (PCA) doctrine. I thank God for His work in and through BSF. SEEKING TRUTH AND HAVING AN APOLOGETICS HEART. White Paper: Spiritual Formation And guess what? Update on U.S. "In 1958, Ms. Johnson accepted an invitation to go to San Francisco to conduct Bible classes for the revival converts of Billy Graham's neo-evangelical crusades. His focus is man’s personal fulfillment, not God’s glory. They are marching you down to Rome, with all their Contemplative prayers. I heard Miss Johnson speak in person. We do NOT believe you can lose your Salvation! I have seen absolutely no weakening of their strong Biblical foundation and have seen no evidence of shifting away from God to a man focus. The Philadelphia Class started in my home 30 years ago. Discernment (14 years -8 as a leader). I haven’t seen a “prayer package”. You can’t speak for other classes. It also contains a piece on Matthew 18 as well as numerous Scriptures about being discerning. *Substitution of “Gospel Community” for “Body of Christ” (“Community” is used 20 times; Body 0). Dear Linda, True Christians are not allowed to associate with the false teachers. I know that you will not agree, but that is okay too. BSF, with Susie Rowan at the helm, has been patient in pushing this anti-biblical agenda, but the water is now boiling. ( I Peter 2:11; emphasis added) By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he ... [Read more...] Sun Joe Pressure Washer Gun, Thank you for going back to the source to see the whole picture and not a piece. Peter Drucker was a communitarian (different than being a communist but no more scriptural) and through Bob Buford’s Leadership Network influenced a who’s who of these leaders. I have been in BSF since 2006 with 12 years in leadership. That is not something to boast about. So she agreed to teach but told them, “I will not spoon-feed you.”. If BSF had made me feel ashamed that I had been practicing idolatry all those yrs growing up I would never have gone back. We can never stand on the words of men which in any way changes Scripture. I am the Director of the childrens program and we are now Joy Of Living. If it was just a matter of changing to a more casual dress code and some of the other things you mentioned, we and others would not be concerned. The post Remember That We Are Pilgrims . They do not teach you to be discerning, its all about bottoms on seats. They are written by full time theologians.
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