Tactics can be combined to create conditions that are the least conducive for pest survival. Caterpillars not only destroy your sunflower plant but other plants in the garden as well. In Kansas, early plantings usually have higher infestations than later plantings. The insect a number of plants from the Asteraceae family, causes the most of the damage to the sunflower. Heavily damaged heads are gnarled and cupped inward, often with a hole or depression in the center, and produce few or no seeds. Damage: Both adults and larvae defoliate plants and will feed on both cultivated sunflowers and native Helianthus species. Adults feed on the true leaves of young plants but seldom on the cotyledons. Another early symptom is the loss of ray flowers. Each larva consumes five to seven seeds. An EIL recognizes that treatment is justified for some pest species while others are not of economic importance. Detailed information on the biology, life history and management options are given in publication MF3108: Sunflower Moth. One procedure relies on the use of a soil bait station trap of a corn-wheat seed mixture, which attracts wireworms. Two sampling procedures are available. Predators also consume eggs and larvae. In wild sunflowers, 50% or more of sunflower moth larvae may be parasitized by various wasp parasitoids that attack these and other species of caterpillars. As with the red sunflower seed weevil, larvae normally drop from the head to the soil after completing development. Both oilseed and non-oilseed (confectionary) sunflowers are grown in Texas. Adult sunflower beetles damage plants soon after they emerge from overwintering. Sunflowers are most sensitive to palestriped flea beetle injury from seedling emergence (VE) through the four-leaf stage (V4). When monitoring for adults during daylight hours, one banded moth per 100 plants is a reasonable threshold. Each hind wing possesses a row of four distinct eyespots. The pupal stage lasts 4 to 11 days. When sampling a field, use the X pattern, counting moths on 20 plants per sampling site to obtain the total number of moths per 100 plants. Description: The only member of the order Lepidoptera that potentially can cause extensive defoliation to sunflowers is the painted lady butterfly, or thistle caterpillar. Some wireworms prefer loose, light and well-drained soils; others prefer low spots in fields where higher moisture and heavier clay soils are present. The use of insecticides to manage the banded sunflower moth is warranted when populations are at or exceed the EIL. Adults (Figure 2) are bullet-shaped, hard-shelled beetles that are brown to black and about 1/2 inch (13 mm) long. Redback cutworm larvae - Euxoa ochrogaster (Guenee) (J. Gavloski, MAFRI). Larva: Brown head capsule with alternate dark and light lines running longitudinally, 0.75 inch in length. Larvae have four instars, which feed and are present in fields for about six weeks. However, this is not practical for producers practicing conservation tillage.

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