The MONTH() function returns the month part for a specified date (a number from 1 to 12). Every row in the table now has quantities sold for the day, along with the price and the date on which the products are sold. Could anybody help me to get the result in 2 digits? Let us assume I have a Sales table with sales data for each month. While using W3Schools, you agree to have read and accepted our, Required. When using SQL Server, you have a few different options when you need to return the month name from a date using T-SQL.By month name, I’m not talking about the month number (such as 07).I’m talking about the full name of the month (such as July).. For example, when given a date of 2018-07-01, you want July to be returned.. : A.D. or B.C. RRRR: All four digits of the rounded year, which depends on the current year. SELECT NAME ,BIRTHDAY ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(2),BIRTHDAY,1) AS TEST_NUM_MONTH FROM Employees the last query returns month in two digits format. However, it wonât give the desired result (see image above) when I add the SUM() function to get the total price and quantities sold for each month. To the convert the month in numbers to month name, Iâll write this query. The date has months in numbers, however, I wish to convert the month number to name, such as, 2 to February, 3 to March etc. Month: Full name of the month with first letter in uppercase, right-padded with spaces to a total length of nine characters: 10.7.25. I want to get the total sales for every month. Using the DATENAME() function alone, I can convert the month number in each date to month name. The MONTH() function returns the month part for a specified date (a number from 1 to 12). Like this, SELECT DATENAME(MONTH, SalesDate) Month FROM dbo.Sales. If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail: SELECT MONTH('2017/05/25 09:08') AS Month; W3Schools is optimized for learning and training. SELECT TO_CHAR(ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('01-JAN-2005 19:15:26','DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), 2), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') FROM dual; SCC: Two-digit century with a negative sign (-) for B.C. Warehouse, Parallel Data Warehouse. Y,YYY: All four digits of the year with a comma, RR: Last two digits of the rounded year, which depends on the current year, Year: Name of the year with the first letter in uppercase, MONTH: Full name of the month in uppercase, right-padded with spaces to a total length of nine characters, Month: Full name of the month with first letter in uppercase, right-padded with spaces to a total length of nine characters, MON: First three letters of the name of the month in uppercase, Mon: First three letters of the name of the month with the first letter in uppercase, Day: Full name of the day with the first letter in uppercase, DY: First three letters of the name of the day in uppercase, Dy: First three letters of the name of the day with the first letter in uppercase. I add the DATEADD() function along with the DATENAME() function. Like this Article? The table has four columns with the SalesDate column with type datetime. The in-built function DATEADD() adds a specified time interval from a date. Now since I have a column with, A Simple Query to Get Previous Months Records in SQL Server. Every day sales is stored in the table with columns such date, quantity, price etc. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and learning. MONTH: Full name of the month in uppercase, right-padded with spaces to a total length of nine characters: 10.7.24. To convert a date to the month number with 2 digits (e.g., 05), please copy the formula and change the cell name. as appropriate (2), SELECT TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('05-FEB-1968'), 'MONTH DD, YYYY'). Get the Month Name from Number. 02... 51. I was making a SQL to show year, month as day in one field, but I'. To the convert the month in numbers to month … You can use the date type too. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. =Text(A2,"MM") If you simply convert a date to a month number as it is, please use the Month Function with the formula below. About the Number of Digits. For example, when using yyy, the year will be returned as three digits if the year is 0008 but as four digits if the year is 2008. I'll cover the following topics in the code samples below: SQL Server, CONVERT, Varchar, CHAR, Date, SQL Manager, and Emissao. J: Julian day-the number of days that have passed since January 1, 4713 B.C. All rights reserved. How to get two-digit month value in a extract date on SQL manager Good day everyone. By default, the database outputs dates in the format DD-MON-YY, Datetime Formatting Parameters for TO_CHAR() function.
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