He has made the way for us.

And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she despised him in her heart.’.

The first reaction was amazement. As Rick Warren says that ‘to feel loved by God … is the starting point for every ministry, every revival, every renewal, every great awakening’. On the day of Pentecost they heard ‘a sound like the blowing of a violent wind’ that ‘came from heaven’ (Acts 2:2). She and her husband Jim live near Houston, Texas. Listen to Sounds Like Heaven by Marina Kaye Feat. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Peter began his speech by pointing out that this is biblical (we will see the rest of the explanation tomorrow). This was an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual reality. (www.Lockman.org). Lindsey Stirling, 15,624 Shazams. Heaven is our home–not a scary, foreign place. Then, the second time he enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered, ‘Do not go straight up, but … As soon as you hear the, God gave David victory, and this led to a great celebration. Then, the second time he enquired of the Lord, the Lord answered, ‘Do not go straight up, but … As soon as you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the balsam trees, move quickly’ (vv.23–24). Some were ‘utterly amazed’ (Acts 2:7).

There is a warning in this passage against looking down or despising the way others express their worship to God (v.23). You may not always feel like worshipping God but it is a decision you make; it is an act of the will. It sounds as if it may have resembled a heavy tropical rainstorm. We provide a range of Speakerlink, Powerlink or Line cabling. These revelations of heaven’s LOVE and peace inspired her to begin this blog, http://www.soundslikeheaven.org. Don't that sound like Heaven written by Terry Evans - YouTube Wisdom cries out (Proverbs 8). Sounds Heavenly was established in 2004 by Steve Marriott, who still manages the company on a daily basis. Worship goes on not only on earth, but also in heaven. Then, he offered the true explanation (v.16f). Patty Morris wants to share this grace message with her readers, letting them know how much God LOVES them. Specialist audio cables & accessories for Bang & Olufsen, Naim, Quad, Meridian and more. May the churches again be filled with the sound of worship and celebration.

The Bible is realistic.
Heaven is our home–not a scary, foreign place. May the fire of God descend upon us again with power, passion and purity. This is the mighty invisible power of God. It must have been extremely noisy! With our solutions you can use them with any 3rd party hifi or TV. As we recognise that the same Holy Spirit is at work in Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants and Pentecostals of whatever church or denomination, there is a healing of division and a visible experience of unity. As Joel prophesised: ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all’ – men and women, old and young, rich and poor (2:17–21). These were languages they had not learnt. The Holy Spirit is the one who provides the power for all revivals, and he does it supremely by enabling the people of God to feel, experience and know in their hearts the love of God. Some were offering a natural explanation for something supernatural. However, generally we should feel free to express our worship to God as passionately as we want, not worrying about what other people might think of us. Even in the depths, you can still be sure of who God is and worship him – whatever your circumstances. May there be mutual understanding and unity in the church.

God gave David victory, and this led to a great celebration. May our worship have an impact on all those who hear it. Speaking at one of our conferences, Professor David Ford, the Regius Professor of Divinity at Cambridge University posed this question, ‘Have you ever noticed, the Bible is a very noisy book?’ He then pointed out several examples. The experience of the day of Pentecost is not just an historic event; it can become a present reality for you (Acts 2:29). We can provide every audio and video cable you will ever need. When David enquired of the Lord whether he should go on the attack, the Lord first answered, ‘Go’ (5:19).

Your comments are welcome and appreciated. Patty’s 3-part book series Living in the Glory of God’s Grace is soon to be published.

In March of 2017 Patty Morris took a surprise trip to the threshold of heaven. It was the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual reality. The day of Pentecost was the fulfilment of when Jesus had breathed on the disciples and said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’ (John 20:22). David danced and worshiped God in a very demonstrative way: ‘David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might … David’s wife, Michal, was embarrassed and despised him for his display of passion (vv.14,16).

God shouts aloud (Isaiah 42). They heard a gale. This psalm ends with the sound of worship. They are proud parents of one awesome son and one rambunctious retriever puppy. As Joel prophesised: ‘I will pour out my Spirit on, On the Day of Pentecost there were three reactions (all of which we see today to the ministry of the Holy Spirit). In today’s passages we hear other sounds going to and from heaven. Wherever there is an experience of the Holy Spirit, he brings a new fire and passion to our lives. Patty Morris is a writer, author and prayer minister, who enjoys teaching believers about their new identity in Christ as children of grace. This was not an actual gale. Maybe I need to get rid of some of my inhibitions. Peter, full of the Holy Spirit, goes back to the Bible. God’s LOVE is fail-safe and without limits. I’m not sure about the ephod, but watch out on Sunday! However, this was not intoxication with wine but the sober intoxication of the Spirit (to use the title of a book by Father Raniero Cantalamessa). I have some sympathy with Michal, I have been tempted to despise liturgical dance in the past. May the gift of tongues be spread more widely. The second reaction was perplexity. A late 80s classic, the BeoLab / BeoVox Pentas are still incredibly popular!

‘I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving … Let heaven and earth praise him’ (vv.30,34). Lord, help us to recognise the sounds of heaven – the sound of worship, the sound of the Holy Spirit and the sound of celebration. It is the kind of knowledge that travels from your head to your heart.

First, it involved power from God. God is all about grace. On the Day of Pentecost there were three reactions (all of which we see today to the ministry of the Holy Spirit).

If you would like any assistance finding the right cables for your needs, please get … They saw fire.

Second, it involved fire from God. Worship goes on not only on earth, but also in heaven. Jesus prays with loud cries and tears (Hebrews 5) and even creation groans (Romans 8).

This psalm ends with the sound of worship. When you worship, you are joining in the sounds of heaven. Before we look at the sounds of celebration, it is worth noting that there is another mention of sound in this passage. Used by permission. Perhaps, it means that as soon as we hear that God is on the move, we should act quickly. He does not give us what we deserve. ‘Perplexed, they asked one another, “What does this mean?” ’ (v.12). When David enquired of the Lord whether he should go on the attack, the Lord first answered, ‘Go’ (5:19). Third, it involved languages from God.
The experience of the Holy Spirit brings unity to the church. 가사: 'Sounds Like Heaven' - Marina Kaye Feat. God revealed His glory to her in new ways. Again, this was not an actual fire: ‘There appeared to them tongues resembling fire, which were separated and distributed and which were settled on each one of them’ (Acts 2:3, AMP). ‘David and the whole house of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord, with songs and with harps, lyres, tambourines, sistrums and cymbals’ (6:5). Fire represents the power, purity and passion of God. Sounds Heavenly has grown to become the UK's leading independent manufacturer of cables for Bang & Olufsen audio systems, supplying to customers and businesses worldwide.

Scripture marked (MSG) taken from The Message. And now out of His fullness we are fulfilled! David doesn’t try to ignore the problems he faces. Ruach is used in the Old Testament for the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of God.

It may have looked as if they were drunk because they were so exuberant and had lost their inhibitions. Of course, we must avoid exhibitionism. ‘I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving … Let, This is for you and me. Follow Sounds like heaven on WordPress.com. We need to be sensitive to those around us – especially, for example, in the early weeks of Alpha when there are lots of people around who are not used to exuberant worship. However, it is an evocative expression. And from Him we receive grace heaped upon more grace! This is for you and me. Create a website or blog at WordPress.com

Here, we see three aspects of worship: Worship involves the will David says, ‘I will praise God’s name’ (v.30).

Patty is a graduate of Fordham University and Encourager School of Ministry. But David’s exuberance came from the heart and was a genuine act of celebration. Yet, he still chooses to worship God in spite of his circumstances.

Here, we see a biblical example of loud and uninhibited celebration. The third reaction was ridicule. Lord, we need the mighty invisible power of God in our lives and in the church.

The Hebrews groan in their slavery (Exodus 3). (John 1:16). May every Alpha Weekend be filled with the sound of the Pentecostal outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament – that is, the word of God – points towards this outpouring of the Holy Spirit (vv.16–20). It was ‘a sound like the blowing of a violent wind’ (2:2). ‘David and the whole house of Israel. When you worship, you are joining in the sounds of heaven. Lord, we pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church as on the day of Pentecost. David danced and worshiped God in a very demonstrative way: ‘David, wearing a linen ephod, David replies that he will continue to worship even more passionately and boldly than before: ‘David said to Michal … “, Scripture quotations marked (AMP) taken from the Amplified® Bible, Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. We can look forward to going home with Jesus because of His abounding grace. The languages were recognised, and the whole known world was represented (vv.5–11). Lindsey Stirling.

‘David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might … Michal daughter of Saul watched from a window. David replies that he will continue to worship even more passionately and boldly than before: ‘David said to Michal … “I will celebrate before the Lord. Supremely, the experience of the Holy Spirit is an experience of God’s love for us (Romans 5:5). I will become even more undignified than this” ’ (vv.21–22).

The Hebrew word ‘Ruach’ literally means ‘breath’ or ‘wind’. The first reaction was, Before we look at the sounds of celebration, it is worth noting that there is another mention of sound in this passage. Read more... Powerlink (RJ45 "Cat5" connection - models from 2013+), BeoVox - "passive" unpowered loudspeakers.

Sounds Heavenly have a solution for your B&O device, whether a vintage classic or a brand new purchase, We also have solutions for the newest B&O products, Join the vinyl resurgence! There are times when we are ‘in pain and distress’ (v.29).

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