There really is a reason why not a single professional is using an overall sensitivity that only requires a couple of millimetres for a 360. If you are not playing at 16:9 (which is the native aspect ratio for pretty much all gaming monitors) you can choose between different scaling modes , namely black bars and stretched. Just make sure you’re able to hear important things such as footsteps without destroying your ears.

This doesn’t have a major impact on FPS so you can probably afford to set it a bit higher, but since there’s not a whole lot of visual difference we like to keep it at low. This helps immensely with spotting enemies in darker places. This one is debatable, but since this can be a real FPS hog and you still see shadows of enemy players perfectly fine on low we recommend setting this to low. A config is still a great tool to have in your arsenal, however. Players in all sorts of games often neglect audio but that is a massive mistake. The most relevant value when controlling your mouse is called eDPI. The default way of choosing a grenade, for example, just isn’t reliable. This can help with deciding to stick that defuse or not. Average Zoom-Sensitivity of CS:GO Pro AWPers: of analyzed CS:GO pros, with a few exceptions using a 120Hz monitor, Best CS:GO Resolution, Aspect Ratio and Video Settings, Best Resolution and Aspect Ratio for CS:GO, of CS:GO PROS turn mouse acceleration off, check out our recommended mice for CS:GO here, Read Our Privacy Policy & Affiliate Disclosure. First of all you want to check if you have turned your refresh rate up as high as your monitor can (144hz): Nvidia: Right click on your desktop -> Nvidia Control Panel -> Adjust desktop size and position -> Refresh rate. You can use a higher texture filtering mode if you don’t have any FPS issues at all.

The exact value depends on your monitor and windows settings. So if you were ever wondering why pro players sometimes seem to go crazy when their game drops to ‘just’ 250 frames per second instead of the usual 300+ you now know why. To change your brightness you go on Display Color and change the saturation slider to your liking. Calculating eDPI is easy.

resolution: 1280×1024 streched This is important in game where movement is of such importance so if you haven’t yet invested in a mechanical keyboard you can always check out our guide. Whether this is down to them just being used to it from the old days or because it’s objectively better is a topic of great debate on many online forums.

We generally don’t want any interference. Global Sentinel. Also locks your fps to the refresh rate of your monitor.

To set your launch options go into your steam library, right click on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -> properties -> set launch options and copy paste the following: After that we go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\730\local\cfg – this is where you place your config/autoexec. Use Computer Monitor here. 3,601 hrs on record Currently In-Game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Please refer to our Pro Settings and Gear List to compare your settings in that case. These can have a severe impact on both your framerate and your overall gameplay so it’s important to consider the upsides and downsides to each approach. Historically, very high DPI values could cause issues with the sensor (such as smoothing) too and while that’s less of an issue with today’s sensors it remains a fact that there’s no real need to use a super high DPI in any case.

Hello, Im Koen a Twitch Streamer and Youtube producing variety content with a focus on Counter Strike: Global Offensive. It’s done by multiplying the DPI with the sensitivity: On the right you can see the average eDPI for all of our analyzed CS:GO players. In a game where info is so important you’d be handicapping yourself by obscuring large parts of the map, after all. It’s something that’s pretty much unique to this game, but there are dozens of resolution and aspect ratio combinations that are actively being used by professionals at any given point in time. A lot of pros are using increased saturation settings as well as this can help enemies stand out in the otherwise bland color scheme of the game. To upload your own csgo game files, Counter-Strike Global Offensive game files, config game files or gaming files related to Neok Config config then please visit our Upload Gaming Files section. Neok - CS:GO Settings, Config, Sensitivity, Crosshair, Viewmodel, Launch Options, Resolution, Video Settings, and more. If you want to know how to find your DPI you can read about that here. The best video settings for CS:GO will vastly depend on the individual you’re asking. mouse settings: 400 dpi, 3.05 sens, 1000hz, raw input on, 1.0 awp zoom. This smoothes out the edges of objects and models in the game, which results in the game looking better.

The difference between 500Hz and 1000Hz is a bit less pronounced, which is why you see some pros on 500Hz despite 1000Hz being objectively better. DPI has always been something that mouse manufacturers use to advertise just how advanced their newest sensor is. By using these binds you will be able to throw grenades way faster, since the knife breaks your grenade throw animation. After that we click on: Adjust desktop color settings. A config is a list of commands that executes once you start your game. In this section you can also change the scaling mode to either: aspect ratio for black bars or full-screen for stretched. If you’re pushing around 60 frames per second the input latency will be between 55 and 75 milliseconds, at 240 frames per second it goes down to values between 20 and 35 milliseconds. We’ve got a pretty decent ‘basic crosshair’ that you can use as a starting point. For stretched or fullscreen you want to stay in My Digital Flatpanels -> Properties.

Especially things like resolution or sensitivity are very personal and subjective values.

If you want to learn more about this feature you can read about it. If you’re being rushed by five enemies you don’t want to be frantically scrolling through your nades until you get to your incendiary, so at the very least we recommend you to make binds for your nades. This hinders your ability to develop muscle memory (which is a crucial thing to develop if you want to have consistent aim). This introduces a number of things to make player models stand out more from the ingame world so you will want to enable this. CS:GO is a highly configurable game so we definitely recommend you to change some binds here and there.

This could be because pinpoint precision isn’t as important with an AWP (a body shot results in a kill as well) and because they want to be a bit more mobile with their aim and playing style but of course we’re just theorizing here. If you see a pro streaming and you like how their radar looks or you just want to see how your favorite pro does it you might want to consider downloading a config from our Player Database. We want FPS so keep it there. Even if you don’t have a 240Hz monitor (which is something that we thoroughly recommend for this game; check out our monitor guide for more info on the subject) there are advantages to reaching the highest framerates possible, which is why you see pro players do everything to max out the amount of frames that they’re getting even though their PC is already pushing way above 240 frames each second. We recommend the following settings: These are the basic settings to have the full overview in your minimap. This is a marketing tactic though, as it’s extremely rare to see a pro player in any of our analyzed games using a DPI higher than 3200.

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