Jon has messy brown hair with a black mullet. You must treat this expedition, this search, this... life, with a reverence and intensity found only in the smallest sticks. He defies life; he sits defiant, saying nothing, but looking as if he could say... "Then let me die... it does not matter.". ...but I don't really like to speak in broad sweeping generalizations about Garfield. I was much like Jon Arbuckle. He wears a light brown suit and a red tie with an image of Garfield on it. And then I saw more, I spotted the tiny copyright mark in the upper left corner. This is a redemption, this is a belief in redemption, a sacrifice of all the obvious trappings of this false modern life. [2] In the episode, the monologue is featured (shown below, left (Japanese) and right (English dub)). It is the originator of ideas, and ideas are forever. This is nothing new for you...". -Oscar Wilde. Notice the glimpse of Jon Arbuckle's foot in the first panel. Building Class+ with Garfield (Crushed and rip Platinum: The World's arms and legs off. This is an entire drama, in just three panels, people. This has been partly due to ridiculous pick-up lines, lack of social skills, and his entire wardrobe of incredibly ugly, flashy outfits. : Garfield's Twentieth Anniversary Collection,, Ordering Garfield to do chores and to not touch food he is not supposed to eat, Threatening Garfield whenever he does something wrong, Garfield trying to eat his meals or plants, Garfield trying to mail Nermal to Abu Dhabi, Garfield scratching his furniture and his curtains, RX-2 abusing Garfield's weight and insulting him, His pets refusing to play with Drusilla and Minerva, due to their extreme hyperactivity. I've cried, cried over this piece. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. I pushed and pushed, determined to find myself. I learned that this particular grip here was the newspaper grip of nineteenth century aristocrats... and this aristocrat grip was a point of contention that influenced the decision to move forward with prohibition... in the United States, in the early twentieth century! You are a statue. Be like Jon Arbuckle as he lowers his paper, as he turns his head. Characters are reduced, to make them recognizable, definable; a story needs a good guy, a story needs a bad guy... but rarely is one person defined in such black and white terms. Jon Arbuckle kan meget vel bebor læresætninger næsten alle større filosofisk-tarmkanalen, man kender. I'm just... amazed... really, that after 33 years of reading, and analyzing the same comic strip, I'm able to find new dimensions. You have to take it apart. CartooningCookingBakingWomenPolkaSudoku puzzlesDatingTerrible costumesGamesCalling Garfield "fat"Putting Garfield on a dietPlantsTaking Garfield to the vetLizTraining Garfield to eat mice Portrayed by In Garfield and Friends, he is often gullible, usually when faced with unscrupulous salesmen, no matter how obvious the scams may be. Can it live forever? Okay, that seemed to be the lynchpin of this whole operation, yes. We'll explore and inhabit space, and occupy more and more of the universe, just as time allowed our ancestors to... multiply in numbers, and populate more and more of the Earth. It is facing the dust, the misery of a cold, careless universe. activates power stone and punches ground causing earthquake, Shaggy: puts single finger to the ground stopping the vibrations immediately "I guess you want to do this the hard way", Shaggy: rushes towards Thanos the sheer speed creating small wisps of flames. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Perhaps you think you've left it somewhere else, but... hmph, you're not so forgetful. Cummy I bet the Russo brothers are SO jealous of your writing. The center panel centers the issue, and again, this hearkens to many of the great religious works of art. He returns and calls Jon... "Sahib". Press J to jump to the feed. cummy you're such a good storyteller!!11!1!!! Philipp. That is how I deal with society, and I know what brings me happiness. Jon has brown, loosely combed hair with a few strands out of place. So... he was a smoking cat with a... a metaphorical pipe, that did not work... Are you starting to see the layers here? ...and every day, I look in the mirror, and I hold this comic up to the mirror, and I look into the mirror, and at this little comic strip. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. He is... the humans in the Garden of Eden. Mister Davis is, here, presenting us with a man, or rather... "man", who engages in footbinding, a body modification for women, on top of "being without his pipe"... or impotent. His regeneration is stamina-based, can't regerenate if runs out of Stamina. People also love these ideas [-Jim 7:27:78]. jon arbuckle is kira yoshikage | JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. [9] On August 27th, Redditor Commanderofpie posted the monologue in /r/copypasta subreddit, gaining 9 upvotes in six months.[10]. How does it manifest itself? It's as if he could, at any moment, pounce; he is, after all, a close relative and descendant of the mighty jungle cats of Africa that could leap... after prey. Romances Thievery, death, destruction, desolation! ", And that was me when I saw this strip. FC/OC VS Battles Wiki is a FANDOM Comics Community. I gotcha, I gotcha, enough... kidding around. In numerous strips he tends to be wishy-washy and has a hard time making simple decisions like deciding what ice cream flavor to get. I don't know... how best to explain why it works, I've studied the pipe strip, and analyzed Jon and Garfield's proportions against several universal mathematical constants. Add to that a cat's known spatial confusion, and you have the makings of a Cat Rage room." It's not new, it is an ageless tradition among the best storytellers humanity has ever offered... and I'm not wrong to include cartoonist Jim Davis in that exalted set for this particular strip alone. He is acting on his anger... but is this passive anger, or aggressive anger? My Name is Yoshikage Kira or Yoshikage Kira Copypasta refers to a lengthy monologue said by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga and anime character Yoshikage Kira in which he describes his personal life and habits. for sure. So draw the parallel. Jonathan Q. For the comic strip, see Jon (Comic Strip). I saw an image of clarity. Now, she informed me that this isn't exactly common knowledge among cat owners... but a seasoned cat owner, or someone particularly perceptive will have picked up on it. He also has a brother whom he always called Doc Boy, much to his brother's annoyance. Be like Jon Arbuckle, as he lowers his head. Yes, you could... and yes, I have done this, on more than one occasion... you could print this comic strip on a giant piece of paper. Even when the Earth is no longer inhabitable, and humanity has long since moved away to bigger planets, they'll carry with them a record, a record we all keep; mark my words... and look at what we've started, what is... What is the internet?

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