Could be because of a blockage or proliferative colitis. She hasn’t become lethargic she’s still very playful. If it is food related, perhaps go back to her old diet and see how things go. Can you get your hands on pure pureed pumpkin in a can? (can mix in a duk soup or other treat if you want). Hi nona i have a question.. my 2 month old doesn’t seem to be growing and has yellowish kinda runny poops.. what can i do to help him? We mentioned green stools earlier in the article. If she refuses to drink, get a small syringe and syringe the liquid into her mouth but MAKE SURE you point the syringe across her mouth, and that you squirt into the side of her cheek and NOT down her throat. Also it talks about tummy smoothener but speaks of no ingredents, do you know of what there speaking of? Could be because of a blockage or hairballs. It certainly helped Angus with his symptoms and it was just rotten luck that he died of Acute Renal Failure just when he was to get his 2nd implant I was really worried that the implant might have caused Angus’ renal problem but my vet said she didn’t think there was a link. ~Nona. When poop is good, we hardly notice, but when it is bad, we pay attention. Doses for laxative: 1-2 TBS every four hours until signs of matter appear in stool. hes on dry food because off it . my ferret male ferret has the runs it only started today and he only had raw meat and hes poohs are so bad. DISCLAIMER: The information contained on this page is not meant to replace seeing a veterinarian if you think your ferret is ill. It’s only meant to supply general information on a particular illness which was obtained either from personal experience with my sick ferrets, or from books and/or the Internet. Thank you for your quick response in the link it talks about the pumkin but it says laxitive at the end does that mean the pumkin( and should I mix it with something)? Fecal changes are seen in several ways from gastric disease. Below is a guide of what we consider normal ferret poop and unusual ferret poop. Exposure to air allows it to dessicate, thus causing it to shrink, turn dark brown and get hard. Gastric ulcers are a common and possibly life-threatening condition in ferrets under stress — possibly from environmental changes or concurrent disease. Think partial obstruction—usually a foreign body, like a popsicle stick. But thanks for the heads up If you need to find one, please check out my Ferret Vets page in your state. If your ferret’s nose is running or if he starts losing hair, you may start to think something is seriously wrong and head straight to the small animal veterinarian. Although you shouldn’t get completely paranoid about what your ferret’s poop looks like, it is always good to be aware of what colour, shape and texture it generally is. Most ferrets will poop three or four times a day. If you haven’t got a ferret vet, please check out my Vets page to see if there’s someone close to where you live. Saliva not only acts as a lubricant and softener for food, but contains some digestive compounds — lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat, and amylase, which begins the process of digestion by cleaving starches into small, more readily digested compounds. The rectum is the distal part of the colon and is simply a tube for storing feces immediately prior to excretion. Cheers Hello, on October the 5th, 2019 I bought a ferret who is six months old. Like it or not, admit it or not, poop has fascinated us over the years. Generally a sign of maldigestion or malabsorption. It’s either that or seeing a ferret vet to remove the tumor from her adrenal gland. Please read up my page about blockages – I hope he doesn’t have one because ferrets go downhill very quickly and need an operation to remove the blockage. You have to have significant bleeding in the stomach for the feces to turn black. I also put triple antibiotic ointment on his bum and today it isn’t quite as red but he is still dragging his butt. Do you remember if she might have eaten anything different beforehand? Hopefully it’s nothing serious but at least you’ll feel better knowing she’s been checked over by the vet! Can I assume you live in the States? If you do, vets can now give ferrets with adrenal disease a suprelorin implant which helps to stabilize the symptoms. :/, Jayy, I don’t know for sure but from what I’ve read the vaccinations seem to affect ferrets soon after they’ve been inoculated – I don’t think it should affect them for a long period of time but, as I said, I’m not a vet so only know what I’ve read and researched I do know of a ferret which had a bad virus and had to be put on antibiotics for 10 days to get him back to normal, but that was in the UK. When I bought him his stomach was bloated , the vet of the store told me he had gas, his poops where like the kibble type like the first picture, when I switched him to raw it started to look mocousy, is it because if the food, must I change something or wait for him to get used to it. Diarrhea in ferrets may be associated with a number of diseases including: Rotavirus enteritis:Rotavirus enteritis is a viral infection that usually occurs in ferret kits 2-6 weeks of age. Anyway, as I said, I hope she’s pooping normally now but do take her to the vet if you’re still concerned! Big hugs to your little lady from her new boy buddies down under Here’s Everything You Need to Know, Consider Mobile Vet Clinics for Cats Who Dislike the Vet, Bringing a New Cat Home? ~Nona. It seems like she is also having issues using the restroom as she will frequently having accidents on herself. It *could* be that the food you’re giving him has caused his poop to look strange, or his poop might look like that because he’s got a bug or an illness! This is what I can buy in Oz but the link is to a Canadian site…,, If you can get hold of it, get it and try and feed your girl with it. Also, the vet gave her pills of melatonin that she takes daily. I’d suggest the best thing to do is to take him to a ferret vet to be checked over. I thought you might be able to help, Oh Janette, I honestly can’t imagine why your Bean is not so active all of a sudden If we know that worn-out red blood cells are a large source of the brown color of feces, a severely anemic animal would have pale feces. Cheers This is what is suggested by a vet … If your ferret has grainy poop, you might think about stopping the dry food and putting it on a diet which is bland and easily digestible. Stools with this amount of blood are also usually loose, as blood is poorly digested and tends to drag water with it through the rest of the G.I. ~Nona, Hello there : ) just seeing if you have any insight as to what is going on with my furt, Bean is going on a little past 4 years, always playful except for the last week and a half, no longer playing, walking a foot then laying down, I did take him to the animal doc, who took his temperature, listened to his heart, palpated his tummy, felt his lymph nodes, all of this and nothing : ( The Dr. Said that my little boy could be a bit overweight, I have been taking Bean outside on a leash and he seems to perk up and do a good bit of walking without laying down.

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