DBA 3.0 introduces several changes to the rules. They started from the assumptions that the results of command decisions could be shown rather than the minutia of how orders were communicated and interpreted, that the proportions of different troops fielded were decided by availability within their culture and not cost-effectiveness against the current opponent, that differences between troops of the same class and era were relatively unimportant, and that most shooting regardless of theoretical weapon range was at very short distances. This useful feature will greatly assist players looking to build armies. Here are two options: Example 2 ­ Later Polish Army (Book IV/66) -- I want to create a post-1400 Polish army. Note that both the Islemen and Highland Warriors have compulsory minimums if they are used. DBA-M (or DBA 100) is De Bellis Antiquitatis modified for use with armies based on the four DBM Army List books. A revised terrain placement system producing a less player customised battlefield which enhances the game. The whole army comes to 100 points. Example 3 ­ Hussite Army (Book IV/80) -- I want to create a post-1420 Hussite army (mainly in an attempt to add Hussite cavalry to the mix). The latest version provides all that and more. In all cases, round any division to determine the number of troop elements up ­ with no result less than 1. Complete with clearer diagrams DBA 3.0 is a far superior rule set than previous versions. The author, Phil Barker, describes his aims with DBA as follows: “Our original intent was to provide the simplest possible set of wargames rules that retain the feel and generalship requirements of ancient or medieval battle. In addition to these 12 elements a camp is required. Deployment changes to encourage historical troop deployment. The army requires a Knight General, 3 War-Wagons, and 3 Mixed Flailmen and Halberdiers (Blades). The whole army comes to 100 points. Larger moves to encourage more dynamic play. I decide to add 2 more War-Wagons for 16 points, 2 more Mixed Flailmen and Halberdiers (Blades) for 10 points, 1 Mounted Scouts With Crossbows (Light Horse) for 5 points, and 2 Hussite Cavalry (Knights) for 20 Points. Each army will have only one general chosen from any general element listed as either C-in-C or sub general. Back in 1990, when first released, DBA took the wargaming community by storm. For example, a DBE consisting of a Bow(X) backed up by a Bow(O) costs only as a single Bow element. DBA is about fighting battles, not skirmishes; it just uses fewer miniatures to achieve this. They represents a group of soldiers that move and fight as a single unit. Generals cost the basic cost for their element type. Its army lists extend from 3000 BC to 1500 AD and can be played in scales from 2mm to 25mm. The entire army list section has been expanded and while retaining over 300 army lists additional sub-lists … A major change to DBA 3.0 is the large expansion of the army lists section. Fanaticus DBA Wikia is a FANDOM Games Community. If used, optional compulsory requirements must be followed. Enter your email address to follow this blog. A camp provides an interesting modelling project and often comprise tents, carts or animals as well as a small number of figures called camp followers, to garrison it. However, this has its risks and increases the ability of the enemy to capture your camp. Games should be played on an area that is a minimum of 3600p by 2400p (3' by 2' in 15mm scale). The latest version of De Bellis Antiquitatis, or DBA for short, is version 3.0 and is available in a 144 page hardback. Additional terrain types such as gullies, rough going and a range of built up areas to provide more variety. Of particular interest to me was the ability to refight Ancient battles. That said, these ratios are often changed depending on the size of battle being modelled. After the screen is removed, the Defender deploys any elements within a BUA. The point cost for elements is based on the following table: Armies are based on DBM army lists, but contain 100 to 150 army points. Other elements represent up to 25 elephants or 50 chariots, war wagons or catapults and early cannon. The DBA army lists can give these. If there are no elements within a BUA, the Defender has the option of swapping the position of elements as detailed in the regular DBA rules. ARMY LISTS/SCENARIOS: There are no scenarios in the rules, but the game is usually played with the impromptu set up. The game rules are incredibly simple and easy to learn and games seldom take more than an hour to finish. In DBA 3.0 terrain pieces include areas of fields, with or without crops, woods, towns or cities, hills, gullies, areas of marsh as well as water courses such as rivers and waterways. This adds up to 49 points. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Example 1 ­ Scots Common Army (Book IV/16) -- I want to create a pre-1162AD army for Badger even though his math skills are better than mine. The entire army list section has been expanded and while retaining over 300 army lists additional sub-lists are included. DBA 3.0 provides plenty of opportunity for players to add to the visual aspects of their games yet retain transportable terrain. As with earlier versions the surface of the game board is by default clear and open terrain. Depending on the army and period the actual number of figures is variable. The lists include many arcane and little known nations. I won’t try and describe them all here how ever, some of the most significant include: There are of course several other changes, too many to describe here. "Those who know how to win are much more numerous than those who know how to make proper use of their victories." Ancient wargaming was revolutionised. Physically, an element consists of a rectangular base with one or more figures or models attached. When playing larger games, or historical refights, an element of foot generally represents between 500-600 foot other than horde, 1,000+ horde, or 250-300 horse or camel riders. Below, two armies Greek armies deployed on the table during a refight of the battle of 2nd Mantinea, fought in 362BC. Armies were affordable and games would typically last around an hour due to the simple mechanics. To this you add terrain pieces. What is this latest version about and what will it deliver? Horse and Musket DBA by Ernst Boeder for Napoleonic and SYW gaming. To determine sides of the game area, number one long side 1-2 and the other 3-6 and roll a die. In the basic game the 12 elements represent the major combat groupings of an army. Changes in rear rank support to provide greater consistency with historical depths. At the same time this terrain can be simple and inexpensive to build. Other articles on this site will expand on this short introduction. https://fanaticus-dba.fandom.com/wiki/DBA-M?oldid=213. Each of the 300+ army lists now has a background section including suggested additional reading. There are loads of army lists, related to the DBM army lists books. The much-discussed “built up area” has been expanded to cover cities, towns, forts and edifices each adding their own specific attributes to the game. The DBA gaming table is a flat surface which for 15mm scale figures is typically 600mm by 600mm and you will see this sized table, along with my 15mm troops, featured on this site. De Bellis Antiquitatis is an incredibly popular historical miniatures wargame written by Phil Barker and published by Wargames Research Group. Revised threat zones to requiring greater consideration of reserves. An introduction of solid and fast ratings to better model the differences between some troops. (Note that a 2% percent ³grace² amount is not a bad thing.) Many lists are further divided into sub lists with all having a brief, but clear, description of the troops forming the army. A game usually lasts less than an hour, so that a six round convention competition can be completed in one day and still leave plenty of time for visiting the trade stands. These elements are the basic building block of your army. We recommend that a BUA have the same effect as a Woods during the game, with the following exceptions: Deployment should be in secret. The average player has memorised sufficient of the battle rules part way through his or her first game, but tactical skill, especially in the use of light troops, takes longer to develop. The whole army is 101 AP. However, the actual placement of the elements in the BUA is not performed until all other deployment is complete. If this happens, try to adhere to the standards as closely as possible. It can contain no more than a quarter of the maximum of any troop type. Soon armies in my then local gaming group were being formed to refight the battles of Alexander the Great or those of the Wars of the Roses and the Norman Conquest all of which seemed unachievable before DBA as hundreds of figures needed to be collected and painted. This leaves me 32 points for additional elements. It should be noted that a Hussite army does not require a camp or camp-follower because of the war-wagons included in the army. The army must contain at least a quarter of the minimum of all compulsory troop types, with the exception of compulsory generals, baggage, naval, or fortifications. This provides interesting reading to both new and veteran gamers. The terrain is selected from the army list of the defender. Since all battles end in outright victory, the organiser’s work is minimised.”. The rules provide details on how to combine three standard armies for “Big Battle DBA” and also how to use the rules for playing even larger games. Of course, the camp-follower can be replaced by an element from the army. The army lists run from Ancient Sumerians on up to Late Medieval Burgundians and Swiss. Some armies may exceed the point value for the game even when using only the compulsory troop types. This adds up to 51 points. Both cost no points. Foot troops within a BUA suffer no modification for being in Bad Going as long as their opponent is outside the BUA. Armies deploy normally. The army requires a Knight General, 2 Rycerz (Knights), and 3 Czeladz (Cavalry). Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com.

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