Pettersson soll die historische Vorlage von Efraim Langstrumpf (Vater von Pippi Langstrumpf) in den Kinderbüchern der schwedischen Schriftstellerin Astrid Lindgren sein.[5]. The islanders carried him to their king, and the king's daughter fell in love with him. His nickname among the locals was “Strong Charley”, and he was indeed famed for his physical strength. Business went well and he increased his estate with two plantations, first Maragon on Simberi Island and later Londolovit on Lihir Group islands. Complete player biography and stats. View the Record. Swedish newspapers printed a series of stories about Pettersson and his adventures. Even today, the Tabar Group of islands has one of the world’s largest gold deposits. Prior to import, this record was last changed 12:03:00 3 FEB 2011. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. He then met Anglo-Swedish Jessie Louisa Simpson; together they returned to Tabar Island, where they married in 1923. Von 1942 bis 1945 wurde das Gebiet von Japan besetzt, kehrte jedoch zum Mandat der australischen Regierung zurück, bis Papua-Neuguinea 1975 unabhängig wurde. 1885 wurde das Gebiet Teil von Deutsch-Neuguinea, zuvor wurde es von der deutschen Neuguinea-Kompagnie verwaltet und erhielt die Insel den Namen Südliche Gardnerinsel. Pettersson was one of the six children of Carl Wilhelm and Johanna Pettersson. He was buried in Elysian Burial Gardens, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States. Zu dieser Zeit existierte eine Händlerstation im Nordwesten.[2]. Pettersson was respectful of local customs and showed concern for his employees, which was unusual at the time. Tabar ist eine Insel, die zu den Tabar-Inseln in der Provinz New Ireland von Papua-Neuguinea gehört. United States. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Part of our mission at Cracked is to scour history for the single Weirdest Life Anyone Has Ever Lived. Carl Emil Pettersson (4 or 23 October, 1875 – 12 May 1937) was a Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea after he was shipwrecked in 1904. If so, login to add it. This biography is a rough draft. Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg geriet das Gebiet unter australische Mandatshoheit, die sich im Namen der Vereinten Nationen offiziell über den gesamten Bismarck-Archipel erstreckte. His fortunes changed, however, and Pettersson decided to leave the island. P > Pettersson > Carl Johan Pettersson, WIKITREE HOME | ABOUT | G2G FORUM | HELP | SEARCH. In 1907 he married Princess Singdo, the daughter of the local king, Lamy. During a recruiting trip in the Pacific, Pettersson’s vessel, the Herzog Johan Albrecht (Duke Johan Albrecht) sank on Christmas Day of 1904, outside the Tabar Island in New Ireland Province. In 1922, Pettersson travelled to Sweden, partly to look for a new wife who could look after his children. [4] Sie nannten die Insel zunächst Mossiinsel, 1642 wurde die Insel von Abel Tasman besucht und als Visscherinsel bezeichnet. He then met Anglo-Swedish Jessie Louisa Simpson; together they returned to Tabar Island, where they married in 1923. discoveries. Gösen, Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Elin Sofi, Mathilda Albertina, Hanna Lovisa, Maria, Between 1914 and 1924 - Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Between 1907 and 1913 - Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Between 1892 and 1901 - N:o 77 80 Qv Gösen 3:dje Roten, Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Sofia Matilda Carlsson, Hanna Lovisa, Maria Ruth, Märtha Alis, Between 1901 and 1906 - Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Between 1871 and 1881 - 5:de Roten, Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Sofia Mathilda Carlsson, Elin Sofia, Mathilda Albertina, Hanna Lovisa, Maria Ruth, Märtha Alis, Between 1882 and 1891 - Åboda Förhörsrote, Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Between 1901 and 1906 - Gösen, Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Anders Pettersson, Sofia Mathilda Carlsson, Sweden Household Examination Books, 1860-1930. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 27. Carl Emil Pettersson was a Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea after he was shipwrecked in 1904. Cannibalism was not uncommon in those times and although Pettersson was uncommonly strong, he would not have been a match for them, but the islanders carried him to their king, Lamy, and the king’s daughter fell in love with him. He was washed ashore near a village and landed in a hibiscus hedge, where he was immediately surrounded by islanders. He painstakingly rebuilt his plantation, but bad investments and the failing market conditions made it difficult to recover. People Projects Discussions Surnames [2], "Pippi Langstrumpfs Vater: Knallkuß aus einer fernen Welt", "Sweden goes back to roots of Lindgren's Pippi Longstocking",, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2020, Wikipedia articles with KULTURNAV identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 5 October 2020, at 04:47. Carl Pettersson is regarded as the inspiration for Ephraim Longstocking, Pippi's father in Astrid Lindgren's children's series, Pippi Longstocking. Children: ...ilda, Karl Gustaf, Johan Emil, Axel Edvard, Oskar David, Emma Lovisa, Lydia Maria, Ludvig Samuel, Ester Axelina, Georg Emanuel, Karin Elvira. After a six-year-long career at sea, in 1898 he ended up working for the German trading house Neuguinea-Compagnie that owned headquarters in Kokopo, Papua New Guinea. Die etwa 100 Quadratkilometer große Insel liegt 25 km nordöstlich von Neuirland, der Hauptinsel der Provinz. Pettersson's health also deteriorated. In Petterson’s absence the plantation had declined, and he was now close to bankruptcy. Research genealogy for Carl Emil Pettersson of Sollentuna, Stockholm, Sweden, as well as other members of the Pettersson family, on Ancestry®. IMPORTANT PRIVACY NOTICE & DISCLAIMER: YOU HAVE A RESPONSIBILITY TO USE CAUTION WHEN DISTRIBUTING PRIVATE INFORMATION. His nickname among the locals was "Strong Charley", and he was indeed famed for his physical strength. If not, see our friends at Ancestry DNA. It was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import and needs to be edited. Pettersson did however find a gold deposit on Simberi Island which he kept secret for years. Carl Emil Pettersson was a Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea after he was shipwrecked in 1904. He was shipwrecked in the Pacific Ocean. Enter a grandparent's name. Carl Emil Pettersson, ein schwedischer Seemann, der 1904 Schiffbruch erlitt und auf der Insel landete, wurde nach seiner Heirat mit der Tochter eines örtlichen Häuptlings nach seinem Tod König der Insel (Spitzname "Strong Charly"). WIKITREE PROTECTS MOST SENSITIVE INFORMATION BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT STATED IN THE TERMS OF SERVICE AND PRIVACY POLICY. Die Bevölkerung ist hauptsächlich in einige Dörfer entlang der Küste aufgeteilt und das Innere der Insel ist größtenteils vom Regenwald bedeckt. Anders Pettersson, Sophia Mathilda Pettersson (born Osterdahl), Elin Sofi Pettersson, Mathilda Albertina Pettersson, Maria Ruth Pettersson, Hanna Lovisa Pettersson, Martha Alis Pettersson, Between 1882 and 1891 - Qv Gösen 5:te Roten, Lindesberg, Örebro, Västmanland, Sweden, Between 1861 and 1871 - Qvart. Son of Anders Pettersson and Sofia Matilda Carlsson © 2008 - 2020 INTERESTING.COM, INC. … His father left the family, and Carl went to sea around 1892, at about the age of 17. She died in Stockholm from malaria and cancer on 19 May 1935. Cannibalism was not uncommon in those times[citation needed] and although Pettersson was uncommonly strong, he would not have been a match for them. His wife died in 1921 of puerperal fever. Additionally, he and his wife both suffered from malaria. Rođen je u listopadu 1875. u Švedskoj, oko 17 godina Pettersson je otišao na more. Pettersson was one of the six children of Carl Wilhelm and Johanna Pettersson. Carl Emil Pettersson – the Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea. Carl Petterson was a Swedish man who sailed the open seas since he was the age of 17. Father of Gustaf Edvard Pettersson , Anna Sofia Pettersson, Carl Bernhard Pettersson, Johan Fredrik Pettersson, Carolina Bernhardina Pettersson, Johan Oskar Pettersson, Johanna Oskarina Pettersson, August Emil Pettersson, Carolina Bernhardina Pettersson, Alma Bernhardina Pettersson, Eugenia Wilhelmina Pettersson, August Emil Pettersson and Ernst Wilhelm Pettersson. He got a start in the copra trade and managed to create his own coconut plantation that he called Teripax. At the beginning of the 20th century, newspapers were filled with stories about the Swedish man who became the king of Tabar Island. His marriage with Singdo produced a family of nine children, one of which, however, died in infancy. He became king after the death of his father in law. Carl Emil Pettersson (4 or 23 October, 1875 – 12 May 1937) was a Swedish sailor who became king of Tabar Island in Papua New Guinea after he was shipwrecked in 1904. Husband of Private and Jessie Louisa Pettersson. But I can say now that any future contestants whose bio does not feature the words, "washed up on an island of cannibals and then became their king," is going to have a tough time beating Carl Emil Pettersson. Son of Carl Wilhelm Pettersson and Johanna Pettersson He painstakingly rebuilt his plantation, but bad investments and the failing market conditions made it difficult to recover. [1] Administrativ ist die Insel Teil des Distrikts Namatanai. There, he also visited his old friend Birger Mörner whom he had met in the South Pacific. Today, the Tabar Group of islands has one of the world's largest gold deposits. Carl Gustaf (Petersson) Johansson (1837-), WikiTree profile Pettersson-178 created through the import of Evaswikitree.ged on Nov 7, 2011 by. They had 5 children: Carl Pettersson, David Pettersson, Benjamin Pettersson, Linda Pettersson and Charlene Pettersson. Von Melanesiern bewohnt. His wife Jessie traveled ahead to Australia for medical treatment and then returned to Sweden. But I can say now that any future contestants whose bio does not feature the words, "washed up on an island of cannibals and then became their king," is going to have a tough time beating In 1922, Pettersson traveled to Sweden, partly to look for a new wife who could look after his children. His wife died in 1921 of puerperal fever. In 1907 he married Princess Singdo. Petterson’s health also deteriorated. Brother of Elin Sofia Pettersson; Hanna Lovisa Pettersson; Maria Ruth Pettersson and Märta Alı́s Pettersson. Defense Mapping Agency. Geni requires JavaScript! So his … Book: Kräcklinge AI 19, 1891 - 1895. Carl Emil Pettersson in Sweden Household Examination Books, 1860-1930. He died of a heart attack in Sydney on May 12, 1937. Leave a message for others who see this profile. He was therefore very popular with the locals. Die Insel ist vulkanischen Ursprung, etwa 9 km breit, 20 km lang und überwiegend von Flachland mit andesitischen Erhebungen von über 400 m und gehobenen Korallenkalken geprägt. He is regarded as the inspiration for Ephraim Longstocking, Pippi’s father in Astrid Lindgren’s children’s series, Pippi Longstocking. She died in Stockholm from malaria and cancer on May 19, 1935. There, he also visited his old friend Birger Mörner whom he had met in the South Pacific.
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