Highway 187 Access our 10+ million data points plus hundreds of thousands of reviews via the free RV LIFE App. The greatest storage (346,570 acre-ft.)occurred in March of 1942, when the water level was less than an inch above flood pool elevation. ; UPDATE November 1, 7:15 pm ET: Real-time data delivery to NWISWeb has been restored at this time.

According to the compact, New Mexico can hold 200,000 acre-feet in Ute Lake before it has to release water to Texas. The modern landscape that we see today began to develop following regional volcanism. Mueller, J.E., 1986, History of Elephant Butte Dam and Reservior: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 37, p. 58-59. Following Laramide deformation, sediments shed from andesite volcanoes covered the area. Operate slowly and take greater care at night. These bodies, along with other Cambrian syenite intrusions in New Mexico and southern Colorado may have been emplaced in a failed north-northeast-trending rift (McMillan and McLemore, 2004: Figure 11). The Middle Silurian Fusselman Dolomite consists of a basal cross-bedded sandy dolomite and a gray, medium-bedded cherty dolomite above. The lower two-thirds of the Love Ranch Formation is composed of conglomeratic alluvial fans deposited in an arid to semi-arid environment. The rivers preserved in the Crevasse Canyon Formation flowed toward the northeast. is the approximate location based on the latitude/longitude coordinates Find our, Summary of all available data for this site, Instantaneous-data availability statement. The tilted rocks were eroded prior to the deposition of the early Pennsylvanian Magdalena Group, forming an angular unconformity that developed over an interval of about 30 million years. NOTICE November 1, 2020 7:45 am ET: We are investigating some real-time data currently behind on the web. These units preserve alluvial fans shed off the mountains and Ancestral Rio Grande fluvial deposits. Upchurch, G.R., Jr., and Mack, G.H., 1998, Latest Cretaceous leaf megafloras from the Jose Creek Member, McRae Formation of New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 49, p. 209-222. The park is in a portion of New Mexico that has been affected by compression, regional volcanism, and extension during the last 70 million years (Kelley and Silver, 1952: Chapin and Seager, 1975; Seager et al., 1984; Seager and Mack, 1986; Mack and Seager, 1990; Mack et al., 1994 a,b, and Seager and Mack, 2003). U.S. Geological Survey Condie, K.C., and Budding, A.J., 1979, Geology and geochemistry of Precambrian rocks, central and south-central New mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources Memoir 35, 58 pp. Basalt flows that are 2 to 4 million years old are interbedded with the sediments. Mack, G.H., 1997, The geology of southern New Mexico: A beginner's guide: University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico: 176 pp. This interesting unit also contains siliceous tuffs, fossil leaves, petrified wood, and dinosaur bones. The original rocks prior to metamophism were basaltic to rhyolitic volcanic and shallow intrusive rocks interbedded with sandstone and shale that were likely deposited in an extensional basin. The remainder of the Montoya Formation consists of fossiliferous cherty dolomite and dolomite, indicating a rise in sea level following deposition of the Cable Canyon sandstone. Page Contact Information: Louisiana Water Data Support Team stored water in large reservoirs of the colorado basin (Capacities and Storages in 1000 Acre-Feet, Elevations in Feet) Reservoir Date In contrast, in the middle to upper beds of the Rincon Formation, clasts of Permian Abo Formation and Pennsylvanian Magdalena Group limestones are abundant. We are a research and service division of: Caballo Lake State Park is located approximately 14 miles south of the town of Truth or Consequences. About: - Fishing Caballo Lake: Both lake and river provide anglers with the opportunity to catch a variety of fish.The area is home to largemouth bass, walleye, white bass, catfish, crappie, bluegill, northern pike, sunfish, and an occasional rainbow trout.

billion year old granites are also foliatited, which means that lateral deformation related to mountain building continued during the intrusive events.

A few fragmentary horn corals and crinoid stems are preserved in the basal section. The uppermost carbonates in the unit were deposited in shallow water, perhaps in a lagoonal or tidal setting (Pope, 2002). Next-day release schedules are usually available by 6 p.m. of the current day. McLemore, V. T., 1986, Geology, geochemistry, and mineralization of syenites in the Red Hills, southern Caballo Mountains, Sierra County, New Mexico—preliminary observations: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 37, p. 151–159. These volcanic and sedimentary rocks were buried, deformed, and heated during a mountain building event about 1.6 billion years ago. All elevation values use Rio Grande Project Datum, which is 43.3 feet less than NGVD29 and 45.5 feet less than NAVD88. provided to the NWS by the gauge owner. McMillan, N.J., 2004, Magmatic record of Laramide subduction and the transition to Tertiary extension: Upper Cretaceous through Eocene igneous rocks in New Mexico: McMillan, N.J., and McLemore, V.T., 2004, Cambrian-Ordovician magmatism and extension in New Mexico and Colorado: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources Bulletin 160, p. 1-11. The Love Ranch Formation grades up into the purplish gray volcaniclastic Palm Park Formation. Covid-19 Status: Latest Eocene time marked the beginning of extension and regional volcanism, with volcanic rocks traveling long distances from source to point of deposition across a landscape much more subdued than we see today.

The roots of the earliest mountain ranges in south-central New Mexico, which generally trended northeast (Condie and Budding, 1979; Karlstrom et al., 2004), are preserved in the Proterozoic amphibolite, schist, and gneiss exposed on the west side of the Caballo Mountains. 575-743-3942, Saul Baquera URL: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/uv? A power plant, originally designed to provide electricity year-around, was added to the Elephant Butte Dam in 1940 (Mueller, 1986).

If you confirm with them, please mark the status below (it will help other RVers). The orange sandstone is overlain by a package of dolomite, limestone, red siltstone, and gypsum interpreted to have been deposited in a hypersaline lagoon. Mack et al. Framed against the Caballo Mountains, this lake boasts an array of water recreation, such as boating, kayaking, canoeing, sailing, swimming, and fishing. Debris flow deposits are also common. The Dakota Sandstone grades up into the gray shales and tan siltstones of Rio Saldo Tongue member of the Mancos Shale, signaling a rise in sea level.

Customize table to display other current-condition parameters. Bluewater Lake: Ryatt Turner, age 6, of Bluewater Village caught a 16-inch rainbow trout using green glitter PowerBait Oct. 18. Elephant Butte Dam now generates electricity primarily during the irrigation season (mid-March to mid-October). This compressional phase occurred mainly in the Paleocene to early Eocene (~55 to 45 million years ago), although there is evidence for deformation as early as late Cretaceous and as late as late Eocene. The lake is way down, but it stays that way. The main phases of faulting include (1) latest Eocene to late Oligocene minor faulting coincident with extensive volcanism, (2) late Oligocene to late Miocene rapid extension with minor volcanism, and (3) latest Miocene to early Pliocene continued faulting and volcanism, with each phase disrupting earlier rift basins, and in some cases, reversing the dip of the early rift half-grabens (Figure 12). The lowest part of the section is composed of sand and shale deposits indicative of rivers flowing toward the east to northeast. The States of New Mexico, Texas and Oklahoma are all parties to the compact created by agreement of the three states and the federal government in 1950. Kues, B.S., 2001, The Pennsylvanian System in New Mexico--overview with suggestions for revision of stratigraphic nomenclature: New Mexico Geology, v. 23, p. 103-122. The middle Palm Park Formation is dominated by mudstone and volcanic breccia, and the upper part of the section is mainly fresh water limestone and travertine. Caballo Reservoir is on the Rio Grande in south-central New Mexico east of Interstate 25 between Socorro and Las Cruces (Figure 1). Choose from 170 campsites, with plenty of sites with utility hookups for RVs. https://waterdata.usgs.gov/nm/nwis/current? Starting about 36 million years ago caldera eruptions in areas to the west and northwest of the Caballo Mountains blanketed the area with rhyolitic tuff and tuffacous volcaniclastic sediments, while basaltic andesite from shield volcanoes and fissure eruptive centers to the southwest (Cedar Hills vent zone, Figure 10) and east (Point of Rocks) of the range flowed across the region. U.S. Geological Survey The chert nodules contain abundant sponge spicules. The oldest rocks in the Caballo Mountains are Proterozoic metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks, which are preserved in a few places along the west side of the mountain range. Copyright © 2000-2020 CampgroundReviews.com - All Rights Reserved. The Dakota Sandstone contains sandstone, shale, and conglomerate. Syenite of possible Cambrian age intrudes the granite (McLemore, 1986). FOIA Latitude: 32.896389° N, This unit is famous for well-preserved fossils that include brachiopods, echinoderms, horn coral, and bryozoans. Latest Reported Water Levels . The distribution of tuff indicates that topographic relief during middle Oligocene time was not as large as it is today.

No Proterozoic granite clasts are found in the Rincon Valley Formation, except for those thought to be reworked from the Eocene Love Ranch Formation. Dolomitization has erased many of the sedimentary structures, so the depositional environment for the Fusselman Dolomite is unclear, although it is most likely shallow marine.

The Caballo Mountains are an east-dipping fault block with Proterozoic granitic and metamorphic rocks exposed on the rugged western side. The dam across the Rio Grande that created Caballo Reservoir was completed in 1938 approximately 22 miles (35 km) downstream from Elephant Butte Dam, which was built between 1912 and 1916 (Mueller, 1986). Bruno, L. and Chafetz H.S.,1988, Depositional environment of the Cable Canyon Sandstone: a mid-Ordovician sand wave complex form southern New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook 39, p. 127-134.

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