……ただしそういう美質とは別に、希少なもの、貴重なものを見つければ、自分が優先的に保護すべき対象と考えるふしがある。 Known as the "Star Maiden" or "Star Goddess", she is best known for being the last immortal to live among the humans on Earth before leaving in disgust of humanity's brutality and wickedness.There are arguments about who her parents are. In the game, a character She was often associated with Dike, the goddess of justice who was also the daughter of Zeus and Themis. October 23 - November 22 マスターの振る舞いが下品と感じたならば、躊躇なく(ドロップキックを含む極めて物理的な)指導に入るだろう。 The Goddess of Justice and Libra, Astraea, have chosen a suitable vessel. When the Iron Age dawned, bringing along misery and wickedness, Astraea abandoned the earth and went to the skies where she transformed into the constellation Virgo. ○星の裁き:A • The French Navy has built ships and submarines called “Astrée.” • One of them was captured by the Nazis during World War II. To Pursue Literary and Military Arts Simultaneously, https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Astraea?oldid=899521. She is also said to have helped Zeus in battle, and is sometimes portrayed carrying his lightning bolts with her. In the most famous rendition of the card's artwork, a winged woman carrying a torch and thunderbolts stands beside the throne of Zeus. epics and English literature refer to her in poems over several She is often associated with the Greek goddess of justice, Dike. She is the daughter of either Zeus and Themis or of Eos and Astraeus. If she feels the Master's conduct is indecent, she would not hesitate to show her guidance (with extreme physical methods, including drop kicks). Astraea was the goddess of innocence in Greek mythology, daughter of the Titans Astraeus, god of dusk, and Eos, goddess of dawn. Whether it is a troublesome thing, whether being chosen as Astraea's vessel is inevitable, the fact is that this style matches Astraea, who possesses unparalleled strength as a Divine Spirit of Judgement, results in one of the best Servants proficient in straightforward hand-to-hand combat. When she left Earth for the heavens, she essentially took the "Golden Age of Man" with her. Astraea – the goddess of justice – still remained on Earth, but when the Age Of Iron began, she found she could stay here no longer. • Astraea’s name means “starry night” or “star-maiden.” • She was the last of the immortals to live among humans during the Golden Age. ASTERIA was the Titan goddess (perhaps) of the oracles and prophecies of night, including prophetic dreams, the reading of the stars (astrology), and necromancy. The Greeks thought that humanity originated during a golden age and had increasingly become base and warlike, but some held hope that Astraea would return and bring with her another golden age. All content Copyright 2010-2020, Royal Mint Publishing LLC. While there is much debate about her role in Virgo mythology, I believe that she is the most likely candidate for the role of Virgo. If you see a female statue holding a sword and a scale in front of courthouses or law firms, that would be them.

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