If it flooded, the increasingly harder draw on your unbalanced double-hose regulator gave a physical cue it was time to head toward the surface. "Divers used to look over deck plans to see where they wanted to go, and getting there was almost like following the blueprint. We touched down at 220 feet/66 meters. The 51 who perished — 46 on the Doria and five on the Stockholm — died in the collision. I thought he would take it and put it in the bag, but instead I felt him tense up and stop cold. Even though I already had prior dive experience in cold water and had also experienced strong currents at depth with low visibility, never had I experienced all of these variables at the same time. Although the living quarters were cramped and space was at a premium, the crew excelled in preparing a great meal, after which most people went to bed early in order to be rested for the dive of a lifetime. Now there are staircases that had been inside, out lying in the sand. It is commonly referred to as the "Mount Everest of scuba diving." That’s approximately $30 of helium from my valuable bottom mix of 17% O2 and 49% helium, leaving 34% nitrogen and an equivalent air depth at 220 feet/66 meters of less than 100 feet/30 meters. and the urgency in his voice jarred me. It was outlaw diving and we were bad boys (and girls). I had an internal feeling of contentment to be on a ship that had so much rich history, both as it crossed the waters between Europe and the New World and as the dive site which had claimed so many experienced divers while at the same time delivering so much accomplishment to other divers. With more time actually on the bottom the second time around I got to explore more of the wreck, including some overhead sections. Diving the Doria is still a physical challenge, but divers no longer have to gut out extreme narcosis or push the limits of oxygen toxicity on the wreck. One of the first questions many of my friends, colleagues and other divers I know asked me after the trip was, “How was it?” So I wanted to share my experience in a brief trip report. Sleep didn't come easy that night. The whole world knew of the Andrea Doria, flagship of the Italia Line, long before the 697-foot passenger liner made her maiden voyage in 1953. The visibility was not only low but the waters were pitch black, and our lights cut through it as if we were on a night dive. I knew how much preparation, dedication and money it took just to get there. It was a privilege to step foot on the vessel. Soon the rhythmic sound of our exhaust bubbles was interrupted by the unmistakable clink of china being stuffed into the bag and of Pete giggling through his regulator. Other diving information will be available here. Unfortunately, there were no repetitive tables for air dives over 190 feet. Gary Gentile is a wreck diver.It has been suggested that Gary Gentile may be the most experienced wreck diver in the world. But when I first heard about the dates and was invited by a friend, I knew that I would be spending two months in Quebec, Canada prior to the trip – it presented the perfect opportunity and diving environment for me to train in conditions similar to the Andrea Doria’s. And there are certainly more inviting wrecks the world over. The comparison to Mt. It was disappointing. In a January 1969 cover story in Skin Diver magazine, cinematographer Al Giddings was the first to compare the Doria to Mount Everest. My dive partner, Dave, from Pennsylvania, picked me up from La Guardia airport and we drove two hours up to Captree Park in Long Island where we loaded 16 tanks onto the boat for our weekend of diving. When we got to the china cabinets, we'd turn around and face the exit. Although guidelines suggest only “beyond 12 hours,” this is based off recreational diving data and I wanted a more conservative window due to the nature of technical diving and the profiles we were conducting. And that combination could be akin to the ‘perfect storm’ for a tec dive on the infamous shipwreck that has claimed the lives of many a tec diver far more experienced than I am. 650 Castro Street However, for a short time, the Andrea Doria really was the Mount Everest of wreck diving. Fighting narcosis, I focused on keeping one hand on Pete and the other on the wall. Meet the Man Behind for Your Nitrox Certification, Diving Deep: The Life and Times of Mike deGruy Set for Release in January 2021, Bay Adventures Dive Adventures and Island Vacations, DEMA Announces Samantha Whitcraft of Aggressor Adventures as Recipient of 2020 Wave Makers Award. For anyone interested in the preparation and transition I undertook from warm water tec diving to cold water tec diving, here is an article on my blog: http://www.goproutila.com/tec-diving-warm-water-to-cold-water. There were even regular charters to the wreck, but they were by invitation only as the Doria was still very much outside the bounds of normal recreational diving. Upon surfacing it was critical to remain in contact with the line to get to the stern of the boat and exit in full gear up the ladder with stages and fins while the crew helped remove our tanks and gear. I was not going to make 100 dives on the Doria. Many technical divers familiar with the wreck consider the Andrea Doria to be the Mount Everest of scuba diving. Before rebreathers and before trimix, air-breathing wreck divers were testing themselves and their equipment on the wreck of the Andrea Doria. After the two crew members had surfaced, they briefed us on a very strong current with visibility around 25 feet/7 meters and a bottom temperature of 48 degrees Fahrenheit/7 degrees Celsius. Within seconds of hitting the water he was carried 20 feet/6 meters back to the stern where he managed to grab the grappling line in time, and then descended under pulling himself to the bow. Don't you realize what could've happened?" Copyright © 2020 Scuba Diving. While the exact details and cause of death are unknown, what is known is that Slater suffered some problems during the dive, and was removed from the water unconscious by the crew of the dive boat. Scuba Diver Life My pulse quickened as Pete's dive plan played out in real time. With all that being said, a great reason to dive the SS Andrea Doria is that she is still there for us to dive on. If they are successful, they will proudly add "the Mount Everest of wreck diving" to their logbooks. The current had weakened as we dropped below 150 feet/45 meters and the water had stopped leaking through the seal, and I knew the undergarm would soon transfer the water away from my body. The following day, New York department store heir Peter Gimbel and Joseph Fox became the first people to dive the Doria. Both were seasoned northeast wreck divers. Perhaps watching a role model or friend perform well in a particular sport makes us strive to excel, or maybe a National Geographic/Discovery Channel show piques our curiosity to travel to a particular destination. My goal was to advance my own comfort, skill level and awareness (see the link at the end of this article to read more about the lessons I learned during this transition).

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